The Global Achievers Issue 3/2020 | Page 24

" Excuses work as a defensive psychological mechanism which helps to diminish anxiety and “keep face”. - Dr Naira Velumyan

You may be aware that hypnotherapy is one of my areas of expertise. Suggestions are a very important tool of hypnotherapy and serve as a very powerful instruction that causes a person, a client, a patient to act in a certain way, feel a certain feeling, or do a specific behaviour. For your information, auto-suggestion, is not when the other person tells you what to do but when you say something to yourself, this is what’s more powerful. In essence, if you are saying “I can do it” to

your own brain it’s more powerful than the phrase “You can do it” said by someone else. Now, attention — you should be aware that your excuses when processed by your mind work as

auto-suggestions. In fact, you are unwillingly poisoning yourself, and your innocent phrases such as: “I don’t have time”, “I don’t have money”, “I can’t”, “I don’t know what to do” and so on —

block your future. How will you ever have the time, money, possibility or knowledge if you have convinced yourself of the opposite?

People don’t realize how much harm they bring upon themselves with their excuses. Stop it! You have one life, you have one chance! Although, I work with people of different ages, there is a marked difference between older people and others. With age people seem to finally realize what can make them happier but unfortunately at the same time most of them say “It’s too late, I can’t turn back time, and things cannot be changed”. So don’t be that person who is procrastinating!

Make your mind work for your growth and success! Be the master of your own life!