The Global Achievers Issue 2/2020 | Page 10

"Big dreams bring big responsibilities".

Human Rights and Gender Equity in South Africa. I created the National Outreach, Women Integral Impact Network, which seeks to empower women via economic means.

WIIN is thus the official National Outreach Programme which aims to empower women, especially those affected by violence like Domestic Violence, Gender-Based Violence, the LGBTIQ communities and those affected by human trafficking. WIIN was created in response to the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women during 2015, which recommended that the South African Government develop a National Femicide Prevention Strategy and establish a Femicide Watch.

My ANGELUS Impact Projects 4 People & Planet achieved UN Global Compact status, and my women’s empowerment projects had me nominated as Influential Woman, 2019, entered the Next Impactor and was nominated for Tallberg Eliasson, 2019, ultimately a great honor.