The Global Achievers Issue 12/2021 | Page 15

Do you have any regrets, anything in life that you wish you could do differently?

I used to say I have no regrets, but that's a cliché statement. Instead, I regret not listening to my inner voice earlier in life, doubting myself, and trusting everyone too easily.

What is your role in the world around you?

My role is to inspire and connect with the people I am supposed to connect to. My most recent purpose and calling are acting. Everything I have experienced, whether good or bad, negative or positive, has led me to pour into my acting talent. One of my greatest strengths is helping people identify their life purpose and encouraging others to overcome and find their path to their destiny in life.

What is your advice to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Go for it! Listen to your inner voice. It's okay to get advice from uplines and million-dollar earners but stay true to yourself and be sure whatever you do is in alignment with your purpose and passion in life. The way to get good at any business as an entrepreneur is to work on personal growth and development constantly. The more you grow, the more your business grows.

"My role is to inspire and connect with the peopple I am supposed to connect to"