The Global Achievers Issue 1/2021 | Page 9

Anna Peters occupies chapter 4 of the coffee table book of The Global Achievers - Influential Entrepreneurs and their Journey.

Anna Peters-- International Wellness Engineer & Entrepreneur Specialising in Energy Healing -- Upgrading the frequency of the spirit to fulfil its purpose and a Nutrigenomics Consultant.

Anna started her career in 1986 with a Diploma in Skin Aesthetics---the study of anatomy, the human cell, skin, biology, physics, and chemistry. It was evident very early in her career that if the individual suffered from skin abnormalities, 90% of the symptoms proved to be diet related.

This led Anna to the study of nutrition for over thirty years which in turn led to the study of DNA.

Anna is an award-winning athlete, National Martial Arts Champion, and the first female soccer trainer for two senior

male soccer teams who led

them to win the grand-final and

more recently developed a sports nutrition program for two boxing world champions Jarko Jusilla and Australia’s very own Sylvia Sharper.

Anna understands the importance of sports nutrition and recovery for athletes. Anna has travelled around the world to increase her knowledge and source the latest technology in Anti-Aging, in sports nutrition, and in DNA diagnostics to help everyone achieve his/her health goals.

Anna’s philosophy is the following: “To have true health, we must have a healthy mind. Body. spirit and limit the exposure to all chemicals and electromagnetic radiation.

Everyone was born with a purpose, and when you find your purpose, you find your peace & happiness.”