The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 631

Salvation through Born Again 276 because if you know you will be fearless. The mother of physical wisdom is knowledge of evil, and father is greediness. Knowledge of evil mother married by man of lawlessness and give birth to their twin children’s are knowl- edge of evil and misunderstand- ing. 19 In this two misunderstanding born first and knowledge of evil next like Jacob, how he took his brother by the heel. They both struggled at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. 20 with the encouragement of dragon entered into the life cycle of human beings by Adam and Eve. Because of that, it is writ- ten that, what God said to them - you shall not eat the fruit of the tree which of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die written as commanded. 21 II So, knowledge of evil is belongs to Satan, that is misun- derstanding and knowledge of evil is being released. So, I am writing about wisdom in detail. It is more than the physical wis- dom and it about the ruling of The Salvation is the Gift of God creator. 22 It is - good knowledge be- longs to God it is from above and released wisdom. So, you need to recognize the wisdom is in two types. The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to rea- son, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere, and is sown in peace. 23 The second one wisdom grew from the earth, belongs to earthly and knowing about natu- ral birth and (death), regarding elements. 24 Means - the science about from the earth and in the heav- ens taken birth and (death) or products about living in the wa- ter means in oceans, seas, riv- ers, about in heavens clouds stars, and shining of them, about science of gasses, about science of fire, related human beings are labored and studying to find out the earthly related means God hidden mystery related in the na- ture. 25 Yet, I am not writing to you about devilish wisdom, which is adversary of God, Satan by fol- lowing it living their dwelling and Salvation through Born Again 277 fall, wandering for the judgment which happens on the great day that I am not writing about the devilish wisdom this is third whi- ch is belongs to spirits beings. 26 II So, second earthly wisdom is impure. So, youth those who are learning, it leads and encour- ages into many impurities. 27 Because of that many youth learning the earthly wisdom lead them to impure life by the thoughts of fleshly ambitions many are falling eternal lake of fire forever and ever. 28 The earthly wisdom is of flesh. So, fleshly ambitions are out of the heart which captures the youth. Yet, I encourage you to live with the wisdom of God and holiness. Because - divine wis- dom will be appreciated in heaven, more crores times up- per than the physical wisdom. 29 About this it is written - For you become the righteous of God in Christ for you wicked Christ died those in the young age and raised for you to be- came who if ever had holiness of God. I am disciple of Christ informing you. So, God given holy wisdom in Christ will not fall The Salvation is the Gift of God and weary. 30 Therefore it is written – those who has been born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him. So, in my youth from that day the Lord visited me and pro- tected me, I should not stumble by His grace. I witness before Him. He helped me. He forgave me through His son Christ Jesus, and was begotten through His spirit into His kingdom. When I was beating by young desires and living with sin, He showed me His grace, glory to Him for- ever and ever. 31 How can a young man keep their way pure, by guarding and it, according to the word? The word of God warns you for your holy life of youth. You don’t forget this warning. 32 Because of that – God, the father sent His son from heaven to deliver you from sin, tres- passes, curses, and death that’s why He is the wisdom of God. CHAPTER 2 MY dear young men! The earthly wisdom in the life of youth makes them impure and peace less and destroying the life