Salvation through Born Again
In another perspective - it is the
book of the events happened
and to be happened in future, as
they did not produce by the will
of man: but holy men of God
spoke as they were inspired
(moved) by the Holy Ghost.
Literally it is called the set of
9 II But many foolishly think that
God is weak, blind, dumb, imm-
ovable idol, and a lifeless image
without response.
10 That is why He is giving
answers to men and asking them
these questions : He who planted
the ear, shall He not hear? He
who formed the eye, shall He not
see? He who formed feet, shall
He not walk? He who formed
men, shall He not reveal His
thoughts to them? The social ref-
ormers and poets among you too
said that an idol cannot be God.
So I labor in the work before
God so that you may not be
11-14 Why did God write the
Holy Book? About this it is writ-
ten - you should turn from these
useless things to the living God,
15 who made the heaven, the
earth, the sea, and all things that
The Salvation is the Gift of God
are in them, who in bygone gen-
erations allowed all nations to
walk in their own ways.
16 Nevertheless He did not lea-
ve Himself without witness, in
that He did good, gave us rain
from heaven and fruitful seasons,
filling our hearts with food and
17 II O Presidents and Prime
Ministers, did you notice, do you
not wish to be known to your
citizens, authorities and to every
home in your country? Surely,
you wish!
18 Do you not think that all your
government policies be made
known to the people to be good
them, and people will perceive
that so that President or Prime
Minister made that good policies,
and prepare to vote for you
again the upcoming election?
Yes, you think.
19 Do you not labor that people
to know your hard work that so
and so President or Prime Mini-
ster has done good for the peo-
ple and be remained in the minds
of people?
20 Can you deny this? You can-
not. Can any president or any
prime minister deny as well?
Salvation through Born Again
Suppose if anyone is not saying
so means, we are not doing good
to the people,
21 understand that he is telling
lies? Because - he is canvassing
in the government policies his
name and photos in the news-
papers and televisions - he will
tell to me, why he did?.
22 Let God be true, but every
man or a politician a liar; He
spoke and fulfilled it. Can anyone
say nay when he said yea? Can
anyone say yea when He said
nay? The word of God questions
that - which counselor counseled
23 II O politicians, what are your
gimmicks? What are your devi-
ces? Why are you struggling so
hard to retain the power of your
party, and your government?
After all, you will be there in po-
wer for five or ten years.
24 Yet the supreme God is above
human wisdom, He is not willing
to be praised as if He is lacking
something, and He is only Him-
self. He is great terrible to terrible,
loving to those who love, he will
be froward to the forward, is si-
ght, with the merciful He will
show mercies.
The Salvation is the Gift of God
25 He created the whole cre-
ation with His word; feed all the
living things, living beings cre-
ated from the earth, sea and feed
the heavenly beings and human
26 showering rain from heaven
for those who created in His
own image, giving them fruitful
seasons; Now he that ministered
seed to the sower both minister
bread for your food, and multi-
ply your seed sown, shelter to
the builder, giving children to the
barren, Nevertheless he left not
himself without witness, in that
he did good, and gave us rain
from heaven, and fruitful sea-
27 filling our hearts with food
and gladness. He is near to all
them that call upon Him in truth.
He takes pleasure in those that
hope in His mercy. Will He not
leave Himself without witness?
Think yourself!
28 Will God hide Himself from
humankind without revealing
them who created this universe?
Will He not leave Himself with-
out witness? Think yourself! Will
He not leave Himself without
witness He who created the