The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 585

Salvation through Born Again 184 judgment of God? O President, O Prime Minister, who rule the people, will you escape God’s judgment? Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, for- bearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance with Born Again? 112 In accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart, are not you treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righ- teous judgment of God? 113-115 When He judge’s hum- ankind beginning with Adam, He will judge everyone according to the scripture. And He will make heirs of His eternal kingdom of life, only those who believe in the scriptural gospel, Born Again according to the scriptures, and repent according to the word of God. 116 But to those who are self- seeking and do not obey the tru- th, but obey unrighteousness will be rendered indignation and wr- ath, but tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who is not Born Again according to the scr- iptures, of the Jew first and also The Salvation is the Gift of God of the western. 117 He is able to give righteous judgment to those who are not Born Again to bind and torment forever. 118 II There is no partiality with God. President or little, Prime Minister or unlearned everyone is equal before Him. But, you examine yourselves by what sins you have been taken by? Bec- ause it is written : For if, we wo- uld judge ourselves, we would not be judged. 119 Do you instigate people to do sin in the name of freedom and liberty? Is it in your consti- tution to encourage your people to sin and to eat sinful things? 120 Are not the constitutions say - not to commit adultery? Even the constitution is also saying so. But what have you done? You are making God-given freedom and liberty to satisfy your fleshly desires. 121 Are not the constitutions say that the governments should take care of the peoples’ health? 122 But what have you done? You have given permits to wine shops, robbing their money and are caused to their sickness. Salvation through Born Again 185 123 And also the constitutions say that the youth are the asset of the nation. For the child-bon- ded labor is determined to be a crime. 124 But what have you done? You have given permission to porn sites, and adult movies, ma- king them bondage to sin, to be caught in fornication, and spoiling the strength of their youth. 125 Moreover, you are using them for your political dishonesty, religious pride, and causing them to anarchy. When the Law of God commanding not to rob your neighbor’s money unjustly, 126 you violate the Law of God, by not giving the farmers their rightful price, do injustice to their toil. You are doing harm to the farmers in the name of politics. Isn’t it, not sin? It is. 127 Which President is there who will wipe the tears of the farmers? Which Prime Minister is concerned about the farmers’ struggles? There is none. Who is giving a bowl of rice to the presi- dent or the prime minister? Your portfolios? Not at all. 128 Farmer is the one who gives food for everyone. But is it not The Salvation is the Gift of God sin that the farmer being starved without food? Who is the root cause of the farmers’ suicides? Is it not you? Who is the great farmer or President or Prime Minister? Certainly farmer is the great. Who is giving food to people, farmer or President or Prime Minister or king? The farmer is the invisible king. Former is king. 129 You are swiftly computer- izing your nations. But will the computers toil the ground and harvest? Why do not you prefer agriculture more than compu- terization? 130 Which is the greatest? Co- mputerization or agriculture? Surely agriculture is the greatest. 131 About this, do you not kn- ow what the scripture - but this is gain for a land in every way: a king committed to cultivated fields. Do not think that I am against to computerization. 132 O Presidents, O Prime Mi- nisters, comprehend my words. You are totally spoiling the pe- ople. Because are there any craps without organic fertilizers? 133 Organic fertilizers are in rice, wheat,vegetables,drinking