The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 574

Salvation through Born Again 162 branches lofted to the height of the sky and my fruits were abun- dant like the stars in the sky. 39 In me food for all creators, and the beasts of the field found shade under me. In my branches, the birds of the heaven had their home. My hanging roots entered into the deep soil that no man takes them out, and protecting me like fencing. 40 And the tree is torturing the wheat plant with its branches and hanging roots. When the hireling came there, the wheat plant bes- eeched him to save it from the troubles made by the banyan tree. 41 But the hireling was very happy to see this and he handed over a rod to the banyan tree to beat and persecute his Master’s wheat tree. And the banyan tree was doing so. 42 Then the wheat plant made cries and groaning to its Master - o my Master, o my lord, who always hear the cries of your saints, visit me and save me in the name of Lord Jesus from the banyan tree persecutions. 43 Hearing the prayer of the wheat plant, its Master swiftly The Salvation is the Gift of God came over there and comm- anded him to see that the banyan tree be cut and cast into the hell. He did so and put the wheat in the barns. 44 O Presidents and Prime Ministers, may God help you to understand this parable, which He gave me through His spirit. He who has ears among you may hear this. Think over this with a spiritual insight. 45 II O Presidents and Prime Ministers, grasp another para- ble, which God gave me through His spirit. That is - 46 The Living and Eternal Master who is over all - prep- ared a garden in his place called the earth, and planted a sting tree, appointed it the king of all trees in the garden and comm- anded to take care and protect the rest of the trees in the garden, preventing the wild beasts from entering, to give fruits in its seasons, and went forth to look after another garden. 47 As the days pass by, the thorn tree let entered the wild beasts into the garden, diso- beyed the Master’s comma- ndment, attacking the olive and Salvation through Born Again 163 fig trees, breaking its thorns on the olive and fig trees, 48 and put his Master in great losses. Seeing this messenger of the Master exhorted it but as the thorn tree disobeyed even his word, the Master cut it and put it in the lake of fire. 49 II After that, the Master concerned - brought a carniv- orous plants, put it as the keeper over his garden and commanded it to safeguard the garden from worms and to bear fruit acco- rding to its seasons. 50 As the days pass by, it exalted, arrogant, violated the comman- dment of its Master, not eating the worms, which spoil the trees, taking off the barks of cedar trees, plucking its branches (hea- ds), making great losses to its Master. 51 When the Master came to know about this trough his mess- enger, he was frowned and upro- oted the tree and cast off it into the lake of fire forever. 52 He was sad about his garden as there is no keeper; he appo- inted a great strong tree and made it a keeper of the garden. He made its height reached to the The Salvation is the Gift of God heavens, and it could be seen to the ends of all the earth. Its leaves were lovely, its fruit abu- ndant, 53 and in it was food for all creators. The beasts of the field found shade under it, the birds of the heavens dwelt in its bra- nches, and all flesh was fed from it. 54 But as the days pass by, it boasted in itself - I became strong and great to the end of the earth, I developed my might of my power, my honor and my majesty. 55-60 It thought in itself that I have no business with my Mas- ter anymore. I myself will be the Master, attacking other trees, torturing them. Then a prophet from his Master brought a mes- sage to it saying - O great tree, let my exhortations be accept- able to you. If you break off your sins by being righteous and your iniquities by showing mercy to the trees you tortured, perh- aps there may be a lengthening of your prosperity. Yet the tree did not humble but had haughty mind. During that time there was a voice came from heaven