Salvation through Born Again
the salvation of humankind.
79 He had experienced the
struggles of humankind and bec-
ame the sin offering to redeem
His people from their sins, and
trespass offering to those who
trespassed, peace offering to
bring peace between God and
men, burnt offering to burn their
80 Christ died for the sins of men
according to the scriptures,
buried and raised from the dead
according to the scriptures. By
doing so the time is divided as
Before Christ (BC) and Anno
Domino (AD).
81 He gave the assurance of
resurrection to both the Born
Again and non Born Again. And
afterwards He strike off the
worldly kingdoms with His
invisible kingdom called church.
82 Gave all peoples, and all nat-
ions under the sun the freedom
and liberty and to have their own
constitutions. God is doing it to
fulfill His will in Christ liberty and
83 So o Presidents and Prime
Ministers, He struck off all ruling
of the Emperors and kings under
the sun and proclaiming the
The Salvation is the Gift of God
gospel of His glorious kingdom
in more than two thousand
Prime Ministers of every country
unto the end of the earth, I hope
you are able to grasp the things
I tell you.
2 The second thing I tell you is -
God gave the Law through
Moses to the humankind so that
all would live in the knowledge
of the only true God.
3 He raised prophets to red-eem
them from the shadow of the
slavery of the Law, and proc-
laimed about the freedom of the
Spirit of Christ, the Savior who
is going to come for the sinful
4 But Christ came as a high
priest of good things to come,
by obedience, and fulfilled the
Law and He who redeemed
those who under the curses and
death, and He who is the end of
the Law,
5 defeated the death, cast off the
power of grave. He wrote the
Holy Scriptures through His
Spirit, apostles and prophets
sealed the books with eternal
Salvation through Born Again
seal that no one can open and
revealed and proclaimed the way
of the Born Again to the kingdom
of God.
6 He made the Holy Scriptures
as the incorruptible constitution
of heaven and revealed the way
as being born again to the entr-
ance of heavenly kingdom,
7-15 if anyone wants to enter into
the incorruptible heavenly
kingdom, he must leave the dee-
ds mentioned in the word of
God, which is the constitution of
heaven. The deeds are - idolatry,
evil thoughts, thefts, murders,
adulteries, covetousness, wick-
edness, deceit, lasciviousness, an
evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolis-
hness, actions (serials and
movies), drunkenness, chamb-
ering and wantonness, filthy com-
munication, uncleanness, witch-
craft, hatred, variances, wrath,
strife, dissensions, heresies (hav-
ing various religions), jealousies,
outburst of evil, jestings, self-
made eunuchs for their living, ho-
mosexuals, lesbians, animal mat-
ers, people who are worshipped
by men, desirous for fables,
forgers of fables, lovers of their
own selves, boasters, disobedient
The Salvation is the Gift of God
to parents, without affection,
truce breakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of
those that are good, rebellious,
revolters, traitors, fools, lovers
of pleasures more than lovers
of God, pretenders, rapists,
liquor sellers, disobedient to the
word of God, effeminate, exc-
ess of wine, exorcists, liars, fea-
rful, unbelievers, the kings,
emperors, Presidents and Prime
Ministers. Who live in sin, ever-
yone who is not Born Again, the
judges who give false judg-
ments, the advocates who plead
for criminals, those who make
medicine a business and haters,
those who do not preach the
new birth doctrine which is the
entrance for the kingdom of
God, those who take the Christ-
ianity as religion, those who do
works of flesh, Word of God
says, they will be cast off into
the lake of fire and brimstone.
16 II So, o Presidents and
Prime Ministers, I supplication
for you that an entrance shall be
ministered to you abundantly
into the everlasting kingdom of
heaven. So you must be aware
of being falling prey to those