The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 533

Salvation through Born Again 80 endously more than gentiles. 2 While the word of teaching not makes any form of image, you became abode of idols, adoring then with garlands, garments, off- ering coconuts, kindling cand- les, 3 burning incense? In this regard - without my fear, always stirring up my anger, they offer sacrifices in gardens burn incenses. They do it without my fear and always stirring up my anger. 4 They sit in grave feast, entering into secret places, eating pork, and fill up their utensils with dis- gusting repines, and 5 say do not come near to us, stand by yourself, we are holier and knowledge than you, dis- playing the exceeding proud. 6 In another place, He who al- one His immortality, dwelling in inapproachable light, where no man has seen or can see. 7 Another place has been said – both your iniquities and your fat- hers iniquities together because they made offerings on the mou- ntains and insulted me on the hi- lls.I will measure into their bo- som, payments for their former deeds, these are a smoke in my The Salvation is the Gift of God nostrils, a fire that burns all the day, those who almost who do dead works. So, be aware about the dead works. 8 While He is the eternal light, why do you put a strange light that is put off before Him? You name to put away these dead works. 9-10 Those who do these deeds will surely become partakers in the lake of fire and brimstone fo- rever, those are doing them, and encourage them, whatever the teacher is, will be like those thr- own into the fire. 11 II One among you asks like this - Paul shore his head in Cen- chrea; similarly some believers shamed their heads in Jerusalem and made their vows in the pre- sence of God, 12 so he is asking, is it not bles- sed to make vows of hair. 13 To him not I but God, the consuming fire gives satisfactory answers. That is - 14 What did they do? They and Paul decided to be Nazirites, is it? It is! They completed the vow of Nazirite, and proved their fai- th, love and obedience towards God. Salvation through Born Again 81 15 But who does the justification by faith teach? Do you not know the Christ in the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes? 16 Old Testament believers, Le- vites, Priests, Nazirites, and Pro- phets hoped for forthcoming sav- ior, and displayed the examples of the deeds which the savior to fulfill. 17 But now the New Testament saints participate in the deeds ful- filled by Christ, and moving ahe- ad in faith. 18 So the Old Testament belie- vers did not receive anything of heaven by their deeds, likewise New Testament believers too, did not get anything in connection with eternal life through their deeds. 19 It is as follows - if a sinner justified as holy, without blemish by his deeds, he would have a reason to boast in the presence of the God, 20 but everyone who believes may be justified to be holy, exc- el,praise, honor, redemption, glory, 21 and it pleased God to same to those who come to him throu- The Salvation is the Gift of God gh Christ in faith by new birth. 22 So, we be seen you in the love of Christ, to put away the dead work to cut his hair or sha- ving his head. 23 If you neglect his loving exhortation on that day you surely the snake by sending sm- oke into the sand hole? Killing that snake likewise those who are doing dead works they ass- ure throw into the brimstone and punishing forever and ever. 24 By means one word - Why do you do and say to shave yo- ur head as a heathen who does not know God? 25 While the word of God is deeply uttering that anyone who in Christ in new creation, do you escape the coming judgment? 26 II Regarding age attiring:- If among you say, my daughter attiring young age, 27 so, we are to praise God, and to gather relatives and nei- ghbors throw away a feast, inv- iting a pastor and the whole chu- rch beautifying his daughter with new clothes, and running to de- ad work. 28 In this regard, what is written