The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 467

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 654 dependent, the father of false- hood called lie was wandering here and there means - the Sa- tan who says lies and makes qu- arrels among people was wan- dering here and there. 27 He went to 'Roof' means – Satan went to the Russian lead- ers named Rosh, told many false things on 'Hiding Deep' and his children means – told many false things on the people of God, the Israelites. 28 From then, Roof got hostility on 'Hiding Deep' and his children means – it is similar to the Satan is the main reason for the Rus- sians or Rosh people had the hos- tility on Israelites. 29 Not only this – Even on this event, 'Roof' is actually the elder brother of hiding deep on rela- tion means – It is similar to say that the well developed two races are like brothers in relation. 30 'Measure', 'Giving judgment', 'Roof', 'Hiding Deep' all these are the children of one father me- ans - Israel, England, Russia, America – all these countries are brothers (brotherly countries). 31 But as cheated by the father of lie, they all means – the people The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD and the leaders of these coun- tries are telling lies and cheating together, they are getting chea- ted by Satan, they forget the mercy, kindness brotherhood and good relations means – these four countries are not having good relations, love and affec- tion towards each other and liv- ing lacking the love of God. 32 They forgot to get ready for- est to welcome the creator who created and developed them when the King is coming 2 nd time means – these countries who ha- ve to make the world ready (pr- epared) for 2 nd time coming of Lord Jesus Christ. 33 They are living caught by ear- thly matters means – As cheated by Satan, they could not keep the heart on the matters of Liv- ing God but caught by earthly matters and living as cheated by Satan. 34 This parable is told by God, the consuming fire so that Putin, the president of Russia know this means – This secret of the eter- nal world has to be understood by Russian President Putin as per the will of God and he has to cooperate for the spreading Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 655 of the kingdom of God. CHAPTER 231 Interpretation to Putin YET God, the consuming fire is telling to Putin, the president of Russia like this. That is - 2 O Putin, the president of Rosh! I am, God, the consuming fire telling you this. That is – 3 I, am God who can make the oceans dry, who can order the land to split, who can stop the air catching with fist, who can make the atom bombs will not blast, who can make the missiles collapse and fall to pieces, who can make the earthly operations stopped – I, am God, the con- suming fire and I am telling you related to you - 4 That is – Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. I nour- ished you and grow in your mot- her’s womb and made you de- veloped well. 5 I am the God who made you walk to the throne and My invis- ible hand is always be with you in all your works ahead. I, I only, God and I am telling about you. 6 My invisible hand helped you in many ways to make your bold and make you help your weak The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD country to become strong. I am that God who made you stable. 7 To whom will you liken Me and make Me equal to Me? I am the Living and Holy God. 8 You have to work extensively by announcing the Scriptural gospel and Scriptural rebirth in the country. 9 While you are in the lap of your mother, your steps are al- ways before Me. I know what your mother made you learn about Me. 10 Her faith is dwells in you. But you have to make the coun- try ready like a farmer for My second coming. 11 Many of the people have no knowledge or understanding of new birth, but had the belief and they live in sins. God, the con- suming fire is blessing your coun- try. 12 Make the people get ready so that they get rid of the false preachers and false Preaching’s, of religion because the preach- ers have no experience of New Birth and they preach like Nico- demus. 13 Blessed are the peace ma- ker, they shall be called sons of