The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 390

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 500 and said like this- 30 O man of God! What are you doing? I have been asked. Then I said, you don’t leave your child, give your appearance now and then and give me the opportunity to see your presence, O my lord, 31 your this servant is waiting for your living voice which can make the dead into living ones soon”. Then God, the consuming fire again said like this - 32 “O man of God! all the doc- tors related to the earth and the political leaders are observing the reports of that young man, so you too go and hear what th- ey are saying carefully, I have be- en ordered by the God. 33 I have gone again to hear what the doctors and political leaders are saying about that young man and I have entered in to that hospital”. CHAPTER 179 Preachings Of Greed AND God, the consuming fire says like this - Oh church! If anyone brings first fruits of earth, contributions, or special offeri- ngs or tithes to Me which me- ans to the church, 2 he must not bring them in the The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD form of grain (fruits or grains, harvest) but to sell, put the who- le amount in the offering box. 3 But you should not put them into auction and sell them as gentiles do in their temples and places of streets. Avoid them at once. Do not use covers and bl- owing trumpets at the time of giving offerings. Avoid blowing trumpets, writing names on cov- ers, writing donor’s names on stones. 4 knowing that your God would give him reward that sees in secret, he must give to Me his alms in secret. 5 Do not use covers and blow- ing trumpets like gentiles at the time of giving offerings. Avoid blowing trumpets, writing nam- es on covers, writing donor’s names on stones, 6 in this regard, a preacher says - with his believers to write their names on the covers and blo- wing trumpets are let them mention, we know how much they give to the God so that we can pray for them in a special way and 7 he speaks like speaking bird who learnt the words. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 501 8 Remember that those who do this will not escape My jud- gment. Regarding these people I declared that were born of the will of the flesh and hiding a pre- text for greed. 9 II Regarding this do not forget the commandment of your Lord stating – when you do charitable work do not do seeking praise of men, and blowing trumpets like hypocrites. Let not your left hand knows what your right hand does, 10 and always give your alms in secret so that the Father who sees secretly may give reward. 11 Beware that the Born Again people, like the redeemed Isra- elites, to give offerings, and thank offerings on the day of resurrec- tion. Be an example to gentiles. 12 O church, do not use plate or bag to collect offerings on Sun- day, 13 but use only offerings box for the offerings as I said long before. 14 In this matter if anyone arg- ues with worldly knowledge like unrest sea tides, 15 make walk by word, do not be entangled with cunning devi- ces of those who called them- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD selves wise and great preachers. 16 II O church, one of you says and argue that - the believers sh- ould change their gentile names. 17 Because – God change Abram’s name into Abraham, Sarai name into Sarah and 18 God says - called you by your name and elected, is it? it is, 19 the saints must be called with biblical names and not with gentiles. 20 Another one argues that - certain person’s name is in the Holy Bible, yet he is leading a sinful life worse than a gentile, 21 We are great than him tho- ugh our names are not in the bib- le. 22 So, I tell you about this to you to know and live for the glory of the Lord. 23 That is - he must understand that I know everyone’s name irrespective of whether they are in the Holy Bible or not. 24 Be it biblical name or others name must live glorious life for God through his name is impor- tant. 25 In this regard – he must know that Daniel and his friends