The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 381

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 482 7 The laws and legislations sho- uld do should have to do their job, isn’t it right? Can the job of the lion done by a small rat? Is it right that the job of the dog can be done by the donkey? Don- key’s job has to be done by the donkey and dog’s job (guarding the house from thieves) must be done by the dog, isn’t it right? 8 Why the job of the constitution is not done by the constitution and why the political leaders are making this job not done prop- erly? Because, you are not sho- wing your power in proper way, isn’t it right? 9 The political leaders are thin- king that the constitution is only for the poor and middle class people and they are trying to tre- spass this”. 10 Cheating and attracting pe- ople with false promises at the time of elections, trespassing the laws in the disguise of politics – is it right? 11 The political leaders are byp- assing (transgress) laws of the constitutions, and what the peo- ple are doing in turn? They are bypassing (transgress) leaders and governments. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 12 Now-a-days, why the peo- ple do not believe the governme- nts? The governments are being thrown away and new govern- ments are coming as if the soil of no use is abandoned. 13 Like the tree of thorns gives pain to a man who wants to sta- nd in the shade of that tree, the governments also are doing just like that, isn’t it right?” 14 “Is there a single government in any country which will reign for the people in a proper way? Will the words spoken by the prophet Daniel inspired by God in olden days be futile or useless? 15 Why is it happening that the governments, the laws or statu- tes and the courts are losing the confidence of the people? 16 Are the laws made for the people or made for the political leaders? Are the leaders and pe- ople not one? They are all one, isn’t it right?” - This is what God, the consuming fire is saying. 17 “Then, who are the reason for even the common people also are dragged and attracted towards the greed and caught by the vices? 18 Is it not true that the reason Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 483 is political parties for all these things? God, the consuming fire is asking this. 19 “The governments have to do good to the people, is it not true? But what the governments now- a-days are doing? Sucking the blood of the people, these are breaking the backbone of the people, is it not true? 20 If any one of the party comes to power and to spoil the families, giving the permission to the bars and belt-shops and thereby enco- uraging the wine and liquor sales, is it not looting the people? 21 The governments are giving permission to the pan shops , toddy and cheap liquor and playing with the health of poor and cause to illness, is it not true? People are not clever enough, so whatever comes in to the market newly, they want to own or have it with greed”. 22 “Whatever is good for the health of people, only for that the governments have to give perm- ission and whatever is not good for the good health of the people; that should not be allowed in to the market. Can’t this be done by the governments? The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 23 What about the liquor shops? The political parties are giving permission to the liquor shops in the name of income to the governments and spo- iling the families, is it not true? 24 Allowing the liquor shops, spoiling the family system of the people; letting the tears in the family women’s eyes run always, and their bodies bea- ten by the drunkard husbands, the governments never feel so- rry for all this and they contin- uously encourage the liquor shops for the income; is it not happening?” 25 Does any constitution en- courage such things? Or is it written in any country’s consti- tution like that? If so, that is definitely related to the Satan, is it not right? 26 Satan is a porcupine and what is he doing from the time of cheating Adam the first man? 27 How his rule is going on in the world of earth? How good it will be if you know, o the judiciary courts, that what are his (satan’s) weapons? 28 The weapons of the wic-