The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 345

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 410 the statutes of the constitution and you have to take care in this regard that every leader should be fully useful to the people of the country. O Parliamentary and related systems get up and wake up, take care in every step that any leader of any party who en- ters your house should study and understand the constitution well and only someone who pas-ses in the examinations of the con- stitution should enter your house. O Parliamentary and related sys- tems, wake up, arise; now the time of God to rise on you has come”. 18 O Parliamentary systems, God, the consuming fire is say- ing you this thing. That is – “insp- ite of the constitution and stat- utes are there, if anybody, whet- her political leaders, Presidents or Prime Ministers, or even a common man, are not ready to follow them, it is a situation very serious and there is no difference whether they exist or do not ex- ist. So, o Parliaments systems! o governments!” 19 “O government employees and common men; all of you hear this, that is - respect the consti- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD tutions of your respective coun- tries and get ready to do ac- cording to those constitutions. By doing so, it is certain that you will escape the wrath and judg- ments of God. 20 If anybody, whether a leader or a citizen by not doing so, re- volts against the constitutions and the statutes; it is like he is revolting against the power es- tablished by God, that is he is against God’s rule and system. 21 So for rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. 22 So it is necessary that ev- erybody should be abiding the constitution and acts, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience”. 23 This is why – “let every per- son be subject to the governing, authorities. For there is no au- thority except from God and those that exist have been insti- tuted by God. 24 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed; and those who resists will incur judgment. 25 For rulers are not terror to good conduct, but to bad. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 411 26 Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will re- ceive his approval; for they are God’s servant for your good, but if you do wrong, be afraid, for they don’t bear the sword in vain, for they are the servant’s of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer”. 27 “Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience; for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 28 Pay to all what is owed to them taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, 29 render therefore to all your dues; respect to whom respect is owed, fear to whom fear, and honor to whom honor is owed” - declares God, the consuming fire. 30 II God, the consuming fire is also saying like this - “O sys- tems of Parliaments and related that, if the corrupted people, un- righteous, unjust and dishonest people, unholy and disorder pe- ople, proud and boasting people, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD criminals doing murders, pros- titutes, drunkard and quarreling people enter in you as the lead- ers, and if such leaders are elec- ted by the people, 31 will the people of that coun- try with such leaders be ben- efited?” – This is how God, the consuming fire is asking you. 32 God, the consuming fire is saying that - “the people who have such kind of leaders will be deteriorated and spoiled than their leaders and participate in all vice things and completely destroyed by bad characters. 33 Because it is written that – the people will follow the lead- ers” – declares God, the con- suming fire CHAPTER 156 Satan Deeds in Church GOD, the consuming fire says - oh church! you are puffed up having these dead works but not put away them and not kno- wing that you are redeemed by the blood of JESUS, to obtain eternal life? 2 Can a believer bow down at the feet of a servant? Is the ser- vant the God to be bowed do- wn? Can a man be God? Are