Salvation Through BORN AGAIN
plenty hereafter. That angel said
this, I heard this very clearly.
21 I heard these words with the
ears of my spirit, my body started
shivering uncontrollably. I feel
like my bones are getting displa-
ced. Then the third angel said
with the other two angels which
I heard and this made me more
22 The third angel started speak-
ing with the two angels like this
– Who will stand before great
and jealous God of hosts? Who
will know how much His jealous?
23 Who can bear our God’s wr-
ath, which is destructive and
which can wreck the elements in
a moment? The people of this
nation are like the small particles
of dust doing terrible sins after
sins, no other country is so degr-
aded like this. He has chosen
these people as His possession,
but these people are rejecting His
grace and steadfast love and
became the forts of Satan and
his followers.
24 Once this nation and country
is holy fort for all good things.
Now they are the people doing
sins after sins, unholy deeds filled
like Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah
The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD
and Zeboiim of olden days.
25 These people are arrogant
and egotistic with the richness
of weapons they have thinking
that none can oppose and invade
on us, we have plenty of wea-
pons army with us, so we need
not worry about anyone, we do
whatever sins we wish to do,
who is there on earth to stop us?
We can attack any one on earth
with our arms and weapons.
26 Who will question us for our
terrible sins against the word?
We have more earthly knowle-
dge. Thinking like this, people
are getting arrogant, imperious
and pompous.
27-28 So t hey are doing
extreme sins and boasting. The
main reason for this arrogance
is their rich weapons. So I am
ordered by God and sent here
by our God to throw all the
wrath of God from this vessel
on this nation. I felt like all my
body is shivering, all my bones
are like again displaced, all my
nerves are losing the grip on their
Prayer of man of God
29 Hearing their words, I am
weeping bitterly inside and I said
Salvation Through BORN AGAIN
to God, O my Lord! Do you
make your promise made your
servant a waste or vain to your
race? Did you forget that you
have promised me that the remn-
ant will be protected and saved?
30 – O God, remembers, it was
written that - if the Lord of hosts
had not left us offspring, we wou-
ld have been like Sodom and
become like Gomorrah. O God,
you have to save your race. It
was your promise that - If there
are fifty righteous or forty 1 or
thirty or twenty or ten righteous,
I will save that city. Remember
your promise according to your
steadfast love, my Lord!
31 You have to save that country
sake of that remnant, and you
have to keep the covenant what
did with their fathers. O my God,
please leave Your anger and
wra- th. Please show pity on your
32 Who do you know how deva-
stating your anger on earth? Like
the garbage is removed with
sweeping broom you clean some
races of whole nations, like some-
one sweeps and wastage is pou-
red in heap, you sweep and unlo-
ad the heaps of sinful people in
The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD
hell, the sheol.
33 O my God, show pity and
mercy on these people, your
grace is higher than the heavens.
Please show mercy and pity
upon me and this nation also
save your race and people. Like
this, I have prayed God for a
long time.
Worship to God and
His Abundant mercies
34 But as soon as my prayer is
ended, I have understood one
more thing. That is - One more
angel is sent to these three angels
and I saw this with my spiritual
35 I again came to know what
they are speaking with each
other. I again praise to God of
His great mercy and pity. The
angel who came later spoke to
the previous three angels like this
– If they (the people of America)
are obeyed God, the consuming
fire and His work and obey the
Word of God (Bible) and holy
teachings of the Holy Scriptures
36 They will be given more than
what they had in the olden days,
and I am sent to announce this
as the voice of our Almighty