Salvation Through BORN AGAIN
says the Lord: “Let not the wise
man boast in his wisdom, let not
the mighty man boast 1 in his
might, let not the rich man boast
in his riches, but let him who
boasts boast in this, that he unde-
rstands and knows Me, that I am
God, who practices steadfast
love, justice, and righteousness
in the earth. For in these things I
delight, declares God.
58 Because ? The words “Make
America Great Again” are not
born in your heart, these are the
words born in God, the consum-
ing fire and My servant heart.
They came in to your heart by
My angels and they are spread
in every heart of the people, this
you have to know.
59 One said at one place that - I
praise My God, the counselor.
Do you know this?
60 So, take it granted that if
“Make America Great Again” is
done, God, the consuming fire,
that is I say that My angels , My
servant and My spirit at rest for
this, because they are the real
achievers of this success. I only
God, the consuming fire appoint-
ed the elements as the witness”–
this is the Word of God, the con-
Amos 2:4.
The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD
suming fire
GOD, the consuming fire,
says - “I will set the fire upon
the false preachers. The fire will
consume their preaching’s and
their temples.
2 Wrong preachers shall die
with tumult, with shouting, and
with the sound of the trumpet.
3 God, the consuming fire, says
that - He will kill all the false
preachers and those who follow
4 God, the consuming fire, says
- I will punish the false preachers
according to their transgressi-
5 Because - they kept lies and
deceived, they have rejected 1
the law of the Lord and have not
kept His decrees,
6 So I will send fire upon them.
It will consume them, their grou-
ps and their families.
7 They became the preachers
for the sake of money. Like the
pagans, they have turned the
service of God for gaining mon-
ey. In fact, they are doing the
interest business.
8 They are sinning and transgr-
essing and have partaken in the
Salvation Through BORN AGAIN
Lord’s Table. They have tramp-
led Lord’s blood and His word
under their feet. So, Verily I will
punish them.
9 If the preachers are not Born
Again, no matter how loudly they
may shout and preach mysteries,
they will not be escaped.
10 The wise man glory in his
wisdom, the minister glory in his
ministry, and the ruler’s glory in
his ruling will be judged. No one
will be escaped.
11 He shall not stand who han-
dles the bow 1 , the swift of foot
shall not deliver himself, nor shall
he who rides a horse deliver him-
12-13 Except the one who is
Born Again, all those who travel
in the air and in the water will not
be escaped. Even the bravest
warriors will flee naked on that
day of God, the consuming fire”
- this is the Word of God, the
consuming fire
Rebuild the Nation
WORD of God, the consum-
ing fire says – “Build America
again. Strengthen America again.
Make America like arrow in the
hand of a warrior.
Amos 2:15.
The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD
2 O Trump appointed as the
President, your country should
be ruled by God, the consuming
fire. He will start to come into
your Parliament and He will
make the political leaders in your
Parliament very clean by clea-
ning their hearts. He will come
to your help come upon heav-
3 God, the consuming fire is go-
ing to clean all the political lea-
ders in the country. He has sta-
rted and He is going to step in
to the Parliament in your coun-
try. He will clean the dust heap-
ed in your political leaders with
the word which is fire.
4 Make the way to God, the
consuming fire clean and holy so
that He can enter your Parliam-
ent pleasantly. The glory of God,
who is the consuming fire will
be reveal without fail.
5 All the countries in the world,
without missing even a single
country will see that. God, the
consuming fire says that - it will
happen like this.
6 Behold God, the consuming
fire, comes with might, and His
arm rules for Him. Behold, His
reward is with Him and His