The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 101

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN and earth is near and waiting for us, why do you go back? There is living eternal righteousness in it. There are eternal fruits abundantly. Come and eat. Come, come fast to rule the earth till the end, why do you stop? The reader wants to understand the fact that one name can be chan- ged in many ways; he should read the section, titled ‘Noun’ in Analy- sis III. You should observe the entire section carefully. Today’s false prea- chers say that we should not take baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. They say that how can God, Son and the Holy Spirit have three names? Then what is the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit which Jesus said? They terrify the innocent that they will not go to heaven if they take baptism in the name of Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. In order to overcome the devil’s schemes and protect the believers from it, the enti- re information on Noun is given under the title ‘Noun’. The author requests the reader to read and unde- rstand it carefully. Holy Spirit is telling a secret in Luke 6:35 that all those, whose prayers are answered, will not enter the kingdom of God. God does good even to the wicked. It is the sign of His love for them. There are many other proofs in the Bible regarding this. The false preachers preach verses of Acts 2:21, Joel 2:32, and Rom 10:13 falsely. The reader be careful,not to be deceived. 186 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD How can a saint get answers for the questions in his heart? Paul said about this in all his epistles. Paul mentioned ‘Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ in his letters from Roman to Philemon. Peter in his two epistles and John in his lett- ers and Jude in is letters mentioned the same. All the disciples of the Lord said that Grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. What does it mean? The reader should understand that ‘peace is from the Lord Jesus Christ.’ Jesus has the name ‘Word’ in John 1:14. If we study about Jesus, who is the Word, all our questions can be attain the answers and clarified in our heart. We should make known our needs to the Father and see His answer in his Word. Jesus has the name ‘prince of peace’ in Isaiah 9:6. What the Prince of peace mean? It means in one ang- le that He is the one who grants ans- wers for our questions. The English word ‘peace’ has many meanings. They are - ‘peace, happiness, ans- wer, long - suffering and goodness.’ All saints since Abraham went through many difficult situations. And they had many questions. They got the answers for them. They lived a victorious life for the Lord. The author requests the reader by christ love that he must study the Bible and listen to the voice of the Lord to get answers for doubts in your difficult situations. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN CHAPTER 55 The Vain Arguments THE Word of God, the consu- ming fire, came to the man of God and said like this - 2 “The false preachers say ‘can anyone preach like me’ by reje- cting the sound doctrine and they preach different doctrines? 3 Am I not wise? If anyone is wise, he must come before me and talk. 4 I am the skillful in arguments.’ They lie that God only grant them such wisdom and they exalt themselves with many titles like his father. 5-7 God, the consuming fire, says about such people - ‘O proud who argues with reasons and lab- ors vainly, you are the reason for slander, strife and blasphemy. You became a reason for vain argum- ents by having bad mind. 8 You are being dragged by evil desires. You pulled My children into destruction and loss. 9 You fell away from faith and the word of faith. 10You left God’s righteousness, faith, love, patience and gentlen- ess. You became unconsecrat- ed. 1 Tim 6:20. 187 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 11 You are dead like the clouds without water. You are dead in sins and trespasses by escaping from the Lord because you tho- ught that you are skillful in extr- eme arguments and vain words. 12 You are like the boiled milk on stove and the sea wave. You are a reason for all the tensions. 13 Repent and be Born Again. Or else how can you escape the lake of fire” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. Knowing the Lord’s will regarding marriage 14 II When the author of fam- ilies revealed to him that he must marry and it is His will. So he changed his decision. 15 He had a need for a woman in the fellowship. The man of God prayed like this before he started to attempt for marriage – “Oh Father who is in heaven, Oh God who accomplishes His will in His servant’s life. 16 Oh the author of families,you revealed me to marry. So tell me Your perfect will about my marriage. 17 He was reading the Bible on his knees to find the will of the Lord.