The Ghent Review Volume1, Number 1, summer 2016 | Page 59

Choir of the day my reply sir, my reply. Alpha, alpha, alpha. Undertones. Under the tones of bells I pass which tell the time and tell their convictions. Soft seepage of certain words and utterances as if I am required to dress for certain occasions. Hat and cane, a steady walk that does not break into a trot. Gentleman thus. Impoverish guardian of imperishable. Custodian. Yet I guard only myself and the intentions of the sea. His undertones in his questions which always begin with “Tell me…’ and I told him. The unspoken undertones in her eyes looking directly at me. Sea of glass with white horse waves. Carry me, carry me. It is my impoverishment I guard. Naked pockets. Not a coin for the rattling yet of this I make my proud music. Light on the sea against that darkness I must guard myself against. -Tell me I will tell but I will not turn back no more than I will disown. Dreams my dreams are of the sea not his shadow coming across the floor from the doorway he blocked up. So what language must I now speak and with what verbs will I form an alliance? -Tell me I will tell but the telling will be mine no according to tradition even as I embrace the impoverishment jingling in my pockets Like some monk in a scriptorium Like a solitary gull slung around the neck of inspiration Like a long shadow crossing their thresholds and blocking up the doorway with light