The Ghent Review Volume1, Number 1, summer 2016 | Page 50

(Stride: in motion; motive; motor; movable; mercurial; changeful; unquiet; restless; nomadic; runaway; hie; gang; wend; trail; flutter; wave; flap; walk; trip; tread; tramp; dance; leap; skitter; slide; slither; skate; fly; frisk; filt; flitter; dart; hover; cruse; progress; pass through; wade; tack; manoeuvre.) Change the clause – make the past tense the present tense, measure the gravity of light, open the door of a possibility. Yes I will! Now. And hereafter. Or as he would say -You are becoming a poet again. When was it otherwise? And now my shadow before me becomes my shadow behind me. And this door which opens in opens out – so what should I do, push or pull? Every moment is the zero moment of a beginning. This is my day and I’ll have no other. Now. Or as he would say – so, we are back at choice. Never moved from it. Never will. Measure that. Like water the good Greek stepped into and out of. Hail equals – how beautiful is my arrogance to me! (forgive my exclamations) Can a shadow be measured? – if so I will measure it. And the past is the present in its new attire. I am not other than what I am. Like the clock hands ticking towards a new zero. Negate the negations – measure that into the new infinity. Yes, there is no o ther world and this is it – nor any other wanted. Will there be singing? – yes, there will be singing. And the river offering its guidance – o beauty of water. Am I now Taliesin’s child? And that shadow crossing mine in a new calligraphy. Already I am ancient and ageless. And the poetry of that which is coupled with the poetry of that which shall be. Shall be. I and no other for no other