The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 8

8 FALL 2021



A . A Butch Ayers GACP Executive Director
What an outstanding Summer Training Conference ! We had some great training , good fellowship , honored several well-deserved award winners , and installed a new Executive Board . Thank you to everyone who planned , assisted , presented at , and attended the conference . We are now working on the plan details for the 2022 Winter Training Conference , which will be held on February 7-9 , 2022 , in Athens , Georgia .
As I mentioned in the previous issue of “ The Georgia Police Chief ”, we do need your help . There have been several occasions where I or other chiefs have testified before a legislative committee or subcommittee . Our testimony carries more weight and influence when we have actual statistical data rather than just anecdotal information . Unfortunately , some of the most useful information is not collected / maintained on a statewide level . Therefore , we have recently sent all chiefs / CEOs a link to a GACP questionnaire . When you receive it , please take the time to accurately complete it as soon as possible .
Finally , don ’ t forget to check the status of your executive credit training hours for 2021 . There are still opportunities to obtain 2021 executive credit hours through pre-approved district meetings / training as well as online Virtual Academy courses ( 5 hours ).
Respectfully ,
A . A . “ Butch ” Ayers , GACP Executive Director

8 FALL 2021