The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 65

FALL 2021 65

STAFF DEVELOPMENT mance and policy directives are effectively communicated and operationalized . Unlike persons in other supervisory positions , they must make frequent command decisions in rapidly evolving situations , including coordinating responses to critical incidents , pursuits , and crime scenes . Afterwards , they critically review reports to ensure they are complete , accurate , and grammatically correct . In some agencies , they are responsible for conducting after-action reviews to assess officers ’ responses , lessons learned , and how they can be shared with other officers .

If an organization is going to succeed , they must ensure each person is prepared to effectively perform their assigned responsibilities prior to appointment .
Supervisor field training programs are designed to prepare newly selected supervisors with a consistent process to successfully transition into their new assignments . To accomplish this , agencies must establish processes for selecting field training officers , required curriculum , mandatory work assignments , record keeping and program evaluations . Agencies with detailed operational polices for patrol FTO programs can use the same format for supervisory or specialty assignments ( i . e ., detectives ).
Selection of Supervisor FTOs - Field training and orientation is an important time in newly promoted supervisors ’ career . Role modeling is one of the most effective techniques to communicate the appropriate way to respond to different issues . The selection of the right person to serve as a supervisor FTO is critical for the success of the program . The field training officer is expected to demonstrate how to exceptionally perform their assigned tasks in the ‘ real world ’ environment . Because of this , the individual ( s ) selected as a FTO must be someone persons of all ranks in the department respect as a leader and always represent the standard for how a supervisor is to perform their duties .
At a minimum , the individual must be a seasoned supervisor in the rank of the person being promoted . In some cases , the FTO may be one rank above . For example , to be a FTO for sergeants , the individual should be a sergeant or lieutenant . Second , the individual should be knowledgeable and have a demonstrated record of performing as an exceptional supervisor and leader in the department . Third , the individual must be motivated and have a desire to develop others . If the selected person has not previously served as a field training officer , they should be sent to the training .
Curriculum – It is vital the essential tasks and assignments individuals are expected to perform are identified . When developing the FTO program ’ s curriculum , there is no need to reinvent the wheel . Begin by reaching out to other agencies with FTO programs for supervisors . This is not to suggest agencies should cut and paste the other agencies ’ policies and checklists . Rather , they should be used as a foundation . In addition , when talking with other agencies , ask what works well , what are the common problems encountered and special areas that should be considered .
Begin development of the task list by focusing on high liability areas . Determine the supervisors ’ responsibilities and specific tasks supervisors must complete in each area . These include use of force ( including use of canines ), vehicle pursuits , emergency vehicle operations , arrest procedures , search and seizure , domestic violence , property and evidence , off-duty conduct ( including extra and off-duty work ), special operations , dealing with cognitively challenged persons , ex harassment , and care / control of prisoners .
After the newly appointed supervisor reads the policy in each of these areas , the FTO should review the officers ’, as well as the supervisors ’, responsibilities in each . As part of this review , it is common to have discussions and scenarios of how to properly respond under different conditions and circumstances . In other

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