The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 47

FALL 2021 47
increase situational awareness , enable hasty planning , and enhance the overall command and control of an event . These experiences have ensured that traditional floor plans are a thing of the past and first responders can now quickly and easily use a technique that has proven reliable thousands of times in real life-threatening events .
The National Fire Protection Association ( NFPA 3000™ ) standard for an Active Shooter / Hostile Event Response ( ASHER ) Program provides guidance for public safety organizations to promulgate policies and procedures , as well as admnistrative and operational processes to establish baseline cababilities in threat mitigation and emergency planning and reponse protocols . These protocols are crucial to creating the foundation for a successful multi-discplinary response to an emergency . The Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) reported that between the years 2000-2018 there were 277 active shooter events in the Unites States involving 282 shooters . The result of those terrible events was 2,430 total casualties including 884 killed and 1,546 wounded ; 104 of those casualtes were either law enforcement or site security personnel . The scope of these active shooter events ranged dramatically from a single casualty to the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas which had 547 casualties with 58 of those people killed . CRGs are specifically designed to reduce the inherent complexity of initially responding police and fire units and facilitate collaboration across responder disciplines that have to quickly establish a unified command . CRGs provide the communication bridge that allows public safety and on-site security professionals to easily coordinate their efforts , and facilitate a communication interoperablity mechanism that can be used in a wide range of ways while under enormous stress .
The public safety community use a myriad of disconnected and non-interoperable platforms . In order to make CRGs accessible , focus was made on making CRGs portable to whatever technology platform is already in place for first responders . This enables a standard common operating picture to be used , regardless of how a first responder accessed the CRGs . The strength of CRGs is their ability to be simultaneously ingested into multiple technology platforms that utilize a mapping layer . For redundancy , CRGs can be printed in a variety of sizes for use in incident command posts and first responder vehicles .
CRGs are influencing how emergency planning occurs at all levels , as evidenced by the New Jersey Statewide Mapping Initiative ( SMI ) and the Bergen County Safe Schools Task Force ( SSTF ). On April 22 , 2019 , the New Jersey State Fusion Center – Regional Operations Intelligence Center ( ROIC ) – released , in coordination with the Office of Homeland Security preparedness ( OHSP ) and New Jersey Department of Education , a bulletin entitled , “ At a Glance – New Jersey Schools K-College ,” wherein they announced a Statewide Mapping Initiative ( SMI ) and stated , “ The NJSP and NJOHSP believe the utilization of CRGs are a protective measure best practice that enables the first responder community and our school safety partners to operate with a shared common operating picture thereby increasing coordination , communication , and response procedures during a critical incident at a school campus .”
Micro and Macro CRGs There are two specific types of CRGs , “ Micro ” and “ Macro ” CRGs . Micro CRGs are built for each floor of a structure , combining floor plans , a gridded overlay , and high-resolution imagery together into one map . Micro CRGs include site-specific details that a first responder needs to coordinate an emergency response inside a structure . This includes room labels , hallway names , external door / stairwell numbers , locations of hazards , key utility locations , security cameras , and any other pertinent information unique to a facility .
Macro CRGs are built for a structure ' s overall campus or grounds . Macro CRG ' s combine a gridded overlay and current overhead imagery with accurate labeling for parking areas , athletic fields , surrounding roads , and neighboring properties . First responders and building administrators use a Macro CRG to coordinate crisis response outside a structure , including inner and outer security perimeters , ambulance staging areas , command posts , reunification areas , etc . Buildings that are contiguous to each other or are in very close proximity may share a Macro CRG .
Critical Response Group is committed to integrating CRGs into public safety response protocols to increase capabilities and enhance command and control efforts during an emergency . The company ’ s origins are grounded in thousands of real-life direct-action raids conducted by US- SOF over the past two decades and dozens of county-wide deployments domestically over the past three years . The management team ’ s mix of decorated and combat-tested USSOF officers and senior law enforcement executives provides a unique perspective on building and implementing CRGs for domestic first responders , with a focus on CRGs being used when a crisis occurs . Our expectation is that CRGs will be easily accessible to those who need them and increase the readiness level for public safety professionals during emergency situations .
For more information visit : https :// www . crgplans . com or https :// youtu . be / 10aghbY3AKI ###

FALL 2021 47