The Georgia Police Chief Fall 2021 | Page 36

36 FALL 2021

Recommendations for Investigating Non-Firearm Arrest-Related Deaths

( continued ) checklists , and forms be developed which can be used by supervisors , investigators , incident scene personnel , and officers which directs them in performing and documenting their scene tasks .
Supervisor On Scene The first responding supervisor should implement the appropriate departmental policies and practices , ensuring to first check on the condition of the involved
officers , obtain brief information from them , and remove them to a less stressful and trafficked area . 8 The involved officers should be allowed to contact their family or significant others and their attorney . The supervisor should establish control and protect the integrity of the scene , preserve scene evidence , and double tape the scene , establishing an inner and outer perimeter . The supervisor should contact relevant individuals listed on the notification list and only allow relevant personnel into the scene . The supervisor should assign an uninvolved officer or crime scene personnel to locate all evidence , photograph and video record the scene area , including the involved officers , and the subject ’ s body if still on scene . A list of all personnel responding to the incident scene should be documented . 9
Prior to emergency medical personnel departing the scene , the supervisor should obtain information from them and fire personnel about the status of the subject . The supervisor should request that emergency medical personnel take a rectal core body temperature of the subject which can document evidence of hyperthermia on scene or if the subject is at the hospital . 10
The supervisor should brief responding command personnel , the medical examiner , the investigator , and crime scene personnel on the circumstances of the incident . The supervisor should assign an officer to proceed to the hospital to : identify and report any dying declarations made by the subject ; collect and preserve evidence of the subject ; and identify any relevant witnesses , and family members . The officer should identify all attending medical personnel at the hospital and document all medical treatment provided . The officer should document any statements made by family members , other relatives , or others made with respect to the subject .
The supervisor should locate , identify , and document contact information of all civilian witness so that investigators may interview them later . Involved officers should be transported to the hospital and their condition assessed . Photographs of the involved officers should be taken while in their uniforms including documenting any sustained injuries . A support team officer should escort the officer ( s ) to their residence . 8,11 Upon returning to the department , the responding supervisor should collect all of the documents which emerge from the initial scene response and submit a written report documenting his / her observations and the tasks completed .
On Scene Department Investigator The incident scene investigator should ensure that he or she has the necessary personnel , resources and equipment , forms , and documents in order to process the scene in detail . A detailed checklist should be used as the investigator completes the investigation tasks . After being briefed by the responding supervisor , the investigator should perform a scene walkthrough and

36 FALL 2021