The Gentleman Magazine Issue 7 | February 2018 | Page 83

Another outstanding feature is battery life, I can go two full days with heavy emails, internet browsing and multi media use and I still have around 20% battery – That is outstanding from this 3505 mAh battery and is one of the main reasons this phone is still my permanent daily driver – it’s outstanding. Another outstanding feature which I must talk about is button customisation, this feature has been seen on previous models, but it does deserve another mention. The KEYone has the ability to have 52 shortcuts enabled on the keyboard via short and long press gestures, these are extremely useful when in a rush and you need to send an email quickly or call. This can be set up for apps or personal contact on your device, say I want to call a friend I can choose to set a button press to call then right away rather than having to go to the call log and ring them from there, or which I have set up, is to have multiple apps set up on various keys. I currently have Twitter and Compose Text set up on the T button, one quick press and it launches texts, long press in launches the Twitter app this may sound a bit strange to some but it’s a flawless feature that really increases productivity when you are constantly on the go such as myself. Another great feature is the Convenience Key, this button being situated to the left side of the phone is a customisable button that you can allocate to a certain apps. I heavily use BBM to communicate and therefore I have set mine to open BBM whenever I need it or receive a message, great option with this is, I can use this feature in any app that I am already in and don’t need to exit it. I can simply press the convenience key and it will simply minimise the current app I am in and open BBM instantly – again another feature why this device is my daily driver. Conclusion: To conclude this review of the BlackBerry KEYone Black Edition I can’t recommend it enough, it is a superb device that offers users security and endless productivity improvements in a world that is fast paced, and communication is KEY! The only negative I would give this device is for heavy media users screen size could be a slight issue. All-in-all this device is truly fantastic in my opinion, worth its weight in gold and it’s not just the best BlackBerry I have ever used, but it’s the best phone I have ever owned. The Gentleman Magazine | 83