The Gentleman Magazine Issue 7 | February 2018 | Page 77


A further , significant , incentive towards the ownership of Jumping mares has been announced today by the British Horseracing Authority ( BHA ) as two Mares ’ Chases are set to be run for substantially increased prize money in 2018 and beyond .
The Listed Lady Protectress Chase at Huntingdon ( 22 February ) and Listed Yorkshire Silver Vase at Doncaster ( 29 December ) will now be run for a total prize fund of £ 75,000 each , after both were targeted for a £ 25,000 boost from the BHA ’ s Development Fund .
The extra funding was agreed following commitments from both Jockey Club Racecourses ( JCR ) and Arena Racing Company ( ARC ) to maintain their own investment into the races , both this year and in future years .
Stu Middleton , Racing Manager for the BHA , said
“ This is the latest in a long line of initiatives and investments the sport has made into mares races . With their own branch of the Challenger Series , two dedicated races at the Cheltenham Festival , a number of new Listed and Graded race opportunities as well as a selection of high value Pattern races throughout the year , there has never been a more exciting time to own a Jumping mare .
“ Our thanks go to The Jockey Club and ARC for sharing our vision for the mares ’ programme . This does not mark the end of our investment in this category and we look forward to announcing further initiatives and incentives in due course .”
Trainer Harry Fry , who has enjoyed recent success with a number of quality mares – including multiple Listed Chase winner Desert Queen – said :
“ The mares ’ programme has gone from strength to strength in recent years , and it is great to see these Mares ’ Chases now receiving this extra funding . You can really see the benefit this investment has brought in how competitive these mares ’ races are becoming .
“ We are lucky to have had some success from the enhanced programme , particularly with Desert Queen who we will very much be aiming at the race at Huntingdon in February .”
Jack Pryor , Clerk of the Course at Huntingdon Racecourse , said :
“ We ’ re delighted that Huntingdon Racecourse and The Jockey Club is able to play a key role in developing the mares programme . We ’ re hoping this investment , from ourselves and the BHA , will deliver a top class race that is a notable target at which horsemen will aim their top mares ”.
Jon Pullin , Racing Director for ARC , said :
“ ARC is happy to support the BHA ’ s efforts in recent seasons to promote the mares ’ jumps programme , and we have been delighted to be able work with them to implement this £ 25,000 upgrade to the Yorkshire Silver Vase at Doncaster in December .
“ It ’ s a race that ’ s been going from strength to strength in recent years , and it is a fantastic boost to Doncaster Racecourse to be able to host what we hope will become a valuable addition to the popular racing schedule between Christmas and New Year ”.
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