The Gentleman Magazine Issue 7 | February 2018 | Page 64

KEEP THE WORLD ‘FLAWED’ Last September, Diesel introduced the world to “Go with the flaw”, a mantra intended to inspire people to not only accept flaws in their lives, but to wear imperfection with pride and to embrace them. Society constantly strives for perfection… But perfection is boring, its forgettable. The world needs to hold tight to the imperfections and individuality that makes it worth living. In the first film we saw the perfectly flawed result of a rookie director’s attempt at making his first film, in this new episode, with irony and a good dose of carelessness, we present to you: what happens when you… Don’t go with the flaw? When, in fact, you do everything you can to hide the flaws in your life, chasing perfection as the world imposes, because commonsense thinks that beauty is just another duty, but it doesn’t make you stand out from a crowd. It doesn’t make you extraordinary.    Diesel presents a beautiful ‘Go with the Flaw’ romance. This is the story of a boy and a girl who meet and fall in love right after they both choose to remedy their very obvious, society-defined, flaws. In a short-movie directed, once again, by Francois Rousselet to the timeless soundtrack “What’s a Matter Baby” from Small Faces, we discover that, eventually, our so-called flaws will always be stronger than any of our attempts to hide them. 64 | The Gentleman Magazine “Powered by So why not embrace, celebrate them and keep the world as it’s meant to be: beautifully flawed?  This new chapter also marks the beginning of a new Diesel wardrobe, the 2018 Spring Summer Collection, paying homage to the iconic Diesel elements, with authentic 90’s vibes. A collection made for self-expression, encouraging the clashing and contrasting of pieces to create your own unique style and personality. The film also includes subtle clues that link back to the full campaign which celebrates the beauty in world’s flaws. Keep an eye out for recognised symbols directing you to an Instagram profile that revels in unmatched socks (@wantedsocks), or to the website of a fictitious restaurant called Bluffet ( where, in collaboration with BuzzFeed’s Tasty, thre