The Gentleman Magazine Issue 7 | February 2018 | Page 3

“Powered By , Security In Motion” Contents: Editor: Sebastian Oakley Editorial Team: editorial@thegentlemanmaga- Advertising: advertising@thegentlemanmaga- Designed, Published & Printed By: The Gentleman Magazine 16 | Lamborghini Urus Social Media: Twitter: @The_Gentleman_M Facebook: The Gentleman Magazine Cover: Roger Federer Image Credit: ©Rolex/Jon Buckle 42 | Roger Federer: The Tennis Legend 70 | Arrogate: Longines World’s 80 | Technology Reviews: Best Racehorse BlackBerry Mobile,Hasselblad,Acer Husqvarna’s New 2018 Models © The Gentleman Magazine 2018. The opinions expressed in The Gentleman Magazine are Not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We can not accept any responsibility for receipt, loss or damage to any material, solicited or not, sent to The Gentleman Magazine. We do not accept responsibility for any costs or losses incurred by readers as a result of following advice contained in articles inThe Gentleman Magazine. The Gentleman Magazine will not be held responsible for the appearance of photographic material supplied without the necessary consent , copyright and / or photographers details. Material in this Magazine may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The Gentleman Magazine | 03