often as she can, and still feels very much a
part of the island. “Everywhere I go, everyone
says how wonderful it would be to live on
Lanzarote,” she said.
n Kids’ competition
n Island beauty
lights up the south
The Anglo-Spanish Lanzarote model and former
Miss Spain Helen Lindes helped football pundit
Patxi Salinas turn the Christmas lights on at the
Hotel Princesa Yaiza on December 6th.
Helen, who now lives and works in Madrid, told the
Gazette that she tries to get back to Lanzarote as
boots and bags, the regular Jumble Table, and
much, much more.
Thanks to the owners of the Concord who have
allowed free use of the venue.
n Thank you, music lovers!
We´ve received copies of two charming little
children´s books by Lanzarote regular and kids
writer Eric Pullin. If any child fancies a chance
of winning copies of Why Owls Are The Wisest
Bird and Why There are Waves on the Sea,
simply answer this question:
Hans and Rosi Croonenbroeck would like to thank
all those who made the Festival de Música Clásica
Yaiza 2014 a success: First; the stupendous artists
Natalia Lubimova, Karen Shahgaldyan, Răzvan
Suma and Josu Okineña for the wonderful music,
and partners and sponsors Ayuntamiento Yaiza,
Hotel Los Jameos Playa, Bodegas El Grifo and the
Camel House for their cooperation. And finally, of
course, all the concert-goers, who again filled the
halls. Could artists ever enjoy a more beautiful
reward than the standing ovations of an
enthusiastic audience?
What is the name of
Harry Potter’s owl?
Send your answer to the Gazette by mail or
email. Four lucky winners will each win the two
books plus a bookmark. Eric´s charming books
can also be ordered on Amazon.
n SARA sale
Don´t forget the Bumper January Clearance Sale
in aid of SARA on Saturday 31st January from
11 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. The sale will take place at
the Terraza Concord Bar in Playa Honda and
everything will cost €1 or less. There´ll be ladies’
and gents’ clothing and accessories, shoes,
n Boxing Boot Camp
If you really want to get in shape and much, much
more this New Year, why not join the Thunderbolt
boxing Boot Camp, which will be run by ex-pro
fighter John O´Brien?
You´ll need to sign up for the camp by 13th
January, which is when it gets started. Then, after
eight weeks of intensive training there´ll be a special
gala night at Titos in Puerto del Carmen´s old town
on 13th March. Find out more at the Thunderbolt
Boxing Bootcamp page on Facebook.
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