The Gay UK November 2015 Issue 16 | Page 54

INTERVIEW JH: You’ve been shy about getting press about this, why is that? AF: Well most importantly, it started off as a fun way to raise money for the Terrence Higgins Trust amongst fellow fetish friends and not exactly something I want to have to explain to the family! Secondly, although I want to raise money for the charity I did not want it getting out of hand. JH: Are you single? If not has your partner had something to say about the celibacy? AF: Luckily I am single and don't think I would have entered into this otherwise. JH: How much are you planning to raise for THT? AF: Although there is a target on the just giving page that is not the figure I am expecting. I was only expecting to raise £200-300 for them. If I end up putting a cap on the duration I will still keep the donations page open though as every amount no matter how big or small will help them continue their fantastic work.  One brilliant example of the things they do is provide free postal HIV testing kits. This costs money and is a vital service especially for people who are scared of going to see someone at first. Their support to people with HIV should be supported by as may people as possible. Want to prolong Andrew Franchitti’s* agony for much needed funds for THT? Go to his charity page *name changed by request 54 THEGAYUK | ISSUE 16 | NOV 2015