CREDIT: Praslin Pictures Ltd
ir Patrick Stewart is a
legendary actor and one
of the most visible allies
the LGBT community
have. In his latest film
Stewart returns to playing his
first meaty gay role, that echoes
his character in the 1995 film
“Jeffrey”, an iconic role for the
classically trained actor.
Stephen, how did you choose
Patrick for the role of
SB: I wanted an actor who could
play a life lived fully. I needed an
actor who could say how he feels
without saying it.
Tobias is a professor from
Julliard. Patrick, did you get
to speak to anyone at the
PS: There is an individual of
whom this character is in parts
based on. He teaches at Julliard
and I was very privileged to be
able to watch his classes. I went
to three or four classes. I think
for stimulation and excitement,
and reconnecting with why young
people want to go into the arts,
there’s nothing grander than
watching a classical dance class
because it’s extraordinary.
earlier time or get an old feeling
PS: In the last year or two I have
been trying to reach out to people
who were very close to me when I
was first acting. I’m curious to try
to make contact with the person
they knew then who was called
Patrick Stewart. I’ve lost him.
Were you afraid of any
pitfalls, knowing dance
industry people would see
the film?
SB: Luckily Patrick put in the
hours to go and observe master
classes at Julliard with the guy
who inspired the movie. Since the
character is flamboyant, we
wanted to be sure to avoid
clichés. We did not want to make
it a cartoon. I think Patrick nailed
(Asks Stewart) When you look
back, as your character does, over
say the past 40 years, do you feel
regret or longing to return to an
I don’t quite know who he was or
what he was. I struggle now to
remember what it felt like 40
years ago. I can give you dates
and names of plays and things
but I struggle to recall the
experiences. It’s probably
because I spent less of myself in
those days than I try to do now.
36 THEGAYUK | ISSUE 16 | NOV 2015
Do you think that is a
natural trajectory i