CREDIT: Matchbox Films
A gay couple and a jilted woman
spend a weekend together in a
house in Provence. It's a
triangle that becomes messy, in
the new film Wasp.
upstairs, yet she's vulnerable
and feels a bit left out.
Olivier starts noticing Caroline
more and more. He steals
glances at her from across the
Olivier (Simon Haycock) and
pool, and Caroline notices. She
James (Hugo Bolton) have been plays it up, teases Olivier, until
together for a year. Caroline
James realises what is
(Elly Condron), a college friend happening right in front of him.
of James, has just been dumped And the relationship between all
by her French boyfriend of 3
three of them may never be the
years. So James invites Caroline same again.
to spend the week with him and
Olivier in a house that belongs Director/Writer Philippe Audito Olivier's family. It's a
Dor makes an auspicious debut
beautiful house, typical French film. His style of long shots of
Chateau, with an outdoor pool, various places and objects
a trampoline in the backyard,
(wasps being one of them)
and amazing views of the valley. brings out the beauty of the
Olivier is a privileged man; he's locale, as well as helps to build
30, handsome, has a great job, up and sustain tension between
and comes from a well-off
the three characters. Audi-Dor
family. And he's got a younger
began filming Wasp just four
good-looking trophy boyfriend months after graduating from
in James. He also used to sleep film school, and what an
with women.
impressive debut it is. And
while the film winds down with
So the tension, not just sexual
a very melodramatic ending,
but all sorts, builds up as the
Wasp is an impressive
week progresses. Caroline hears filmmaking debut with a just as
Olivier and James having sex
impressive cast.
THEGAYUK | ISSUE 16 | NOV 2015 25