A junior golf resume is a very important
document in the recruiting process, much like
your professional resume when applying for
a job. First and foremost, the “content” of the
resume is really the most important thing. As a
wise man once told me, “You had better be good at
something”! Therefore, my best advice to any junior
golfer wishing to play at the collegiate level is to do
well in school, study hard for your entrance exams
(SAT/ACT) and be very dedicated to becoming the
best player you can be. If you can do all of these
things, you’ll have a nice story to tell on your
resume and coaches will take notice.
So what do I need to put on my golf resume?
It’s essentially some factual information about you
that gives the college coach some insight to you
as a person, student and player. It’s a summary of
your golf and scholastic career to date. Here is a list
of the information that should be on your resume.
Personal Information– Address, home phone
number, cell phone number, e-mail and date of
Academic Information– Cumulative GPA, core
GPA, SAT/ACT results with sub-scores, TOEFL
results (if applicable), high school name, high
school address and intended area of study.
Academic Honors– Academic awards and prizes
(if any).
NCAA Eligibility Center– Provide your ID
Golf Credentials– Scoring average, scoring
differential, rankings (AJGA, NJGS), order of merit
(on a tour for example).
Golf Swing– Link to swing videos.
Golf Information– Home club, academy, coach,
coach’s e-mail and coach’s cell phone number.
Upcoming Tournament Schedule– Provide a list
of your tournaments over the next few months.
Career Highlights & Honors– List your best
finishes, highlight some low scores and list any
teams you’ve earned a spot on.
Competitive Playing Record- List your
tournament scores in reverse chronological order
(meaning your most recent tournament first), and
include information such as date, tour, tournament
name and course, yardage, your scores (1.5 to 2
years of scores is fine), where you placed in the
event and the size of the field.
Parent/Guardian Information– Name, cell phone
number, e-mail address.
References– Name, cell phone number, e-mail
As a final piece of advice, I am always sure to tell
young recruits that they need to spend time on
making their resumes look very presentable and
professional from an appearance standpoint as it
is a reflection on them as a person and represents
how serious they are about being recruited. Paying
attention to formatting, grammar and spelling
are all very key things. I also suggest placing a
quality photo in the upper right hand corner of the
first page of the resume. It can be a professional
headshot as in a school photo or you posing in the
finishing position of your golf swing. Either works
well and it goes along way toward making a great
first impression!