The fourth Thursday in November is universally without reserve
and in full possession of one of the greatest attributes in man’s
arsenal of emotion - Gratitude.
Truth is, giving thanks requires big emotions and tempts big ideas. Thanksgiving is an
exceptionally opportunistic day, one that invites us to noodle around with grand concepts
as deliciously satisfying as the prophetic meal itself.
Not so mysteriously, we arrive famished at the board of plenty but dine in the austere
spirit of more fulfilling cuisine: hope, humility, faith, promise and honor. Purposefully, our
personal devotions are placed upon the bill of fare above the bird, yams, dressing, cakes
and pies. Indeed, each savory dish on the menu is secondary to the spirit of the day and
not the entrée at all! Nope, on Thanksgiving, if you ask the big questions, you get the
main course.
Thank you for being a friend of Bishops Gate Golf Academy.
Enjoy a happy, happy Thanksgiving!