The Gate January 2017 | Page 9

BGGA Students Continue Character Development at Recent PATH Event

Recently , BGGA students participated in a PATH event titled “ Looking INWARD / Acting OUTWARD .” During the half-day workshop , students continued work on how their PATH character element can aid their life and golf game .
During different breakout sessions , BGGA staff led interactive discussions and activities that contributed to the day ’ s theme .
One session talked about four different high-profile PGA Tour players . The students picked the PATH element the player most resembled and how that element plays a role in the player ’ s on-course style and success .
In another session , students learned that life takes balance . They are expected to balance golf , academics , family , health etc . Their PATH element plays a role in that balancing act along with the elements of other students .
The students were then able to evaluate their own life and the values they hold dear . Those values were written on golf balls and placed in a jar . These jars will serve as reminders to the students throughout the semester and beyond .
Students were also challenged to work together as a team to create a chain . The purpose was to allow them to use their element ’ s strengths and the strengths of others to be creative and succeed .
After a lot of fun and self-evaluation , the day wrapped up with a session led by Linh Quach and Ian Highfield called “ What is your nail ?” It focused on students finding a passion in life that fuels them . The students were given the chance to decide on community service projects that were important to them , and groups were developed to take those project ideas and turn them into actions for the spring semester .