The Gate February 2017 | Page 8

The “ One ” Thing : Finding your Focus

By Lee-Anne Misseldine
There is so much busyness in our everyday lives that sometimes the days and months go by and we feel as though we are on autopilot . When this starts to happen , it is time to slow down and take a long hard look at our habits and patterns and begin to become more deliberate with our actions .
The New Year is a great time to reflect and create a life plan based on what you want to accomplish in the year ahead . Since we know that 90 % of new year resolutions fall by the wayside within 30 days , what can we do to make sure that our actions and behaviors are constantly moving us towards our goals and not further away from them ? Insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result , so if we want to dramatically improve the quality of our lives , let ’ s dramatically change the way we live of our lives .
You may not have heard of the Pareto Principle or the 80 / 20 rule but it ’ s the concept of unequal input and output . Named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto , it has significant relevance to all of us , and especially to junior golfers who invest so much time and effort into their athletic training , expecting an equal result . According to the Pareto principle , 20 % of our effort will yield 80 % of our results which seems contrary to our lifelong belief that the harder you work , the better you will do . That is because not all things are created equal , and by spending more time understanding yourself , your game , who you want to be as a person , and then creating the right plan to get you there , you will start to identify and focus on your own 20 %. When you work hard on the right things , that is when the magic happens .
You may say that this sounds like a lesson on priorities , and in a way it is , but I challenge you to take it one step further . Find the one thing that is the absolute MUST for you , that you know will be what it takes to get you where you need to go . One of my favorite sayings is that if everything is important , nothing is , so find what is most important to your growth , your development and your journey as an athlete , a student and as a person , and give your very best to that !
And remember , your “ one thing ” is typically not an outcome like a better swing , more club head speed or more physical strength but is usually something like attitude , work ethic , prioritizing your time , quieting your mind . The process is about the “ how ” to get your outcome , not about focusing on the outcome itself . So if you want that sweet spot when you are on the course , find the daily habit you can practice that makes you better able to get to there . The truth is , we gain ground by creating daily habits and practices that strengthen our mind and build our confidence over time .
Focus is the key to creating an exceptional life , so when you are finished reading this blog , ask yourself what practice can you create in your own life . Whether it is meditation , journaling , exercise , being kind to others , doing your chores …. whatever it may be , find your “ one thing ” and give it all you have got to make 2017 the year that you give more , be more and achieve more than you ever imagined . Live with focus and with passion !