Mentally, we are able to unwind and reset which is good for
us academically. This also prevents us from getting into any
trouble during the week of spring break as many college
students do. Athletically it allows us access to amazing golf
facilities: multiple golf ranges, putting greens, short game
We heard from the UWP student-athletes on their areas and a full gym. The amenities that Bishops Gate Golf
experience at BGGA… Academy provides us are unmatched in value. The days
we get to practice in Florida allow us to become prepared
“The trip to Bishops Gates is very beneficial to us as a team. for the upcoming spring season which is important to get
It is the first time we can actually practice and we get a solid a head start on other teams that are stuck in that dreary
five days of work in. The practice facility is one of the best Midwest weather. Overall the spring break trip is a great
in the world and it helps elevate our games to back to peak tradition for memories, a mental break, and gets our golf
season form. It also is a good time for us as a team to come games ready for the spring season after being stuck in the
closer together and help each other work on our games.” frigid Wisconsin weather.”
“Our annual spring break trip has a multitude of benefits “Going to Bishop Gate Golf Academy for spring break was
such as personal, mental and athletic gain. As a team, we crucial and absolutely necessary to get back in shape before
become more connected all sharing a house together our spring season. Golf is a game of precision and discipline
getting to know each other better because I have always which requires a lot of time to be successful. As we are
thought a teammate was more than just a regular friend. restricted to indoor practice and hitting in a net, we are not