The Gate April 2017 | Page 13

How to get started? Initially, it is important to create a sound foundation of fundamental movement skills in our golfers. A comprehensive Physical Screening or Physical Competence Assessment (PCA) provides a baseline measurement from which training programs can be created, progress monitored and intervention prescribed (e.g. physical therapy, massage etc.) should that be necessary. From this point, the selection of exercises to improve Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) for golf is key and will vary based upon the skill and experience of the trainer and of course the individual’s needs. Our golfers need to be able to perform the following movements – “with movement, under load and under fatigue” (Kelvin Giles): • • • • • • • Squat (single and double leg) Lunge (multiple directions) Push (chest drills) Pull (back) Brace (trunk integrity or core stability) Rotate (multiple options with a variety of bases of support) Bend (ability to maintain a bent over posture) Says Michael Dalgleish of The Golf Athlete, “In considering the link between the physical and the technical, golfers also need to have specific physical competence across the following five key golf physical abilities”: 1. Single Leg Efficiency – ability to maintain control on one leg 2. Weight Transference Control – ability to control the shift from address to TOB to impact 3. Maintenance of Bent Over Posture – ability to maintain the spine posture at address and impact 4. Trunk on Pelvis Efficiency – ability to separate the movements of the hips and shoulders while staying stable 5. Arm to Trunk Connection – ability to keep the arms connected to the trunk especially at impact (thus pulling and to some extent pushing ability) Dalgleish, an Exercise Scientist and Physical Therapist with extensive experience treating and training golfers of all ability levels, believes FMS training should be the cornerstone for all elite level players. The maintenance of FMS ensures that a golfer is more likely to be stable, strong, coordinated and flexible enough to compete week in, week out, on the world tours. Including functional movements patterns in the strength and conditioning programs of younger athletes especially is incredibly important. In the junior academy environment or college setting, the repetitive nature of the golf swing combined with busy daily practice and tournament schedules can be stressful on young bodies. Establish good routines (the “training to train” phase of long term athletic development) and a solid foundational base of movement and sports skills early, to enhance performance and minimize the risk of injury.