The Problems with Assassin’s Creed
first game takes place during the Assassin’s Creed III was actually
Crusades, which was interesting the one where they jumped
- the sequel fast-forwarding
the shark. Spoilers follow.
to the Italian Renaissance.
The main storyline for the
It then went through two
first four was that Desmond
sequels that were still in the
Miles, living in present day
Renaissance, featuring the
America, was unknowingly
same protagonist - the fourth
an assassin, who was part
title confusingly bearing the
of the Brotherhood. Their
title “Assassin’s Creed III”. I
grand design was to protect
reasoned that they chose to
the world from the Templars.
do this because the previous
Abstergo Industries developed
three had the same protagonist, the Animus to find the Pieces
and they were using the same
of Eden - a powerful device
graphics engine - like Fallout
created by an ancient civilisation
3 and Fallout New Vegas had.
- as the company was founded
That can’t be the case, given
by the Templars. Desmond is
Assassin’s Creed: Unity, but
kidnapped and all but forced
the graphics may account for
to use the Animus to plumb
Assassin’s Creed: Rogue. But the the memories of his Assassin
Issue 64 • February 2015
ancestors and find out where
the Pieces of Eden are. He’s
saved by other Assassins who
want to also find them and stop
the Templars from destroying
the world. Desmond learns how
to be a master Assassin and he
does wind up finding a Piece
of Eden. He also gets spoken
to by a hologram that actually
speaks to him through the
memories of his ancestor Ezio.
Then in the third game, when he
has discovered that he’s related
to a Syrian, an Italian and a
Native American, Desmond
sacrifices himself to save the
world. He’s spent the better part
of four years (each game stated
it was the current year) in the
13 • GameOn Magazine