Neil’s Top 3 Games of the Generation
Moving onto the PS3 and this
is an easy choice for me due
to Joe stealing Dark Souls,
I decide to plump for its
Demon Souls
Set in the kingdom of Boletaria,
King Allant XII and his thirst
for power conducted a dark
summoning ritual which
brought forth the “deep fog”
which consumed the lands
of his kingdom, severing
ties with the outside world.
From the fog surged demons
that consumed the souls of
station, Samus encounters her old military unit mankind; many brave warriors set forth through
from the Galactic Federation before she became the fog only to be never seen again.
the famous bounty hunter. Events quickly transpire
to reveal that this research station is home to Your character must set forth and vanquish many
none other than the baby Metroid that saved foes in order to save Boletaria, though such a task
Samus from Motherbrain’s monstrous death ray; is not as easy as you may think. Demon Souls
unfortunately it seems the Federation has been has a brutal difficulty level and will punish your
conducting experiments with the Metroid which mistakes with gratifying ease, this game quickly
has also attracted the attention of arch-nemesis earned the reputation as one of the hardest titles
Ridley, who has somehow survived the previous of the generation; a reputation that was bolstered
encounter with Samus.
by Dark Souls. This game will grab your bollocks,
smash them into a brick wall and will gleefully
The seamless switching from traditional platformer repeat this over and over again until you can’t take
to first person shooter makes this a joy to play, anymore pai n. Unfortunately, we gamer folk can
utilising the Wiimote/nunchuck combo to great be masochists at times, even after the relentless
effect, Metroid: Other M is testament to the idea onslaught of deaths in Demon Souls we’re
that you don’t need eye melting graphics to create compelled to push further just to we can beat the
a killer title. The gameplay alone is strong enough bastard game.
to hold Metroid above many, many other titles
that are graphically superior yet lack the substance Finally the Xbox 360, Microsoft’s beige-now-black
which this Nintendo gem delivers to you by the brick of enjoyment that has sat under the TV of
many a console peasant across the globe for a
Issue 52 • February 2014
15 • GameOn Magazine