Star Wars: Attack Squadrons - What’s to Come?
Star Wars: Attack
Squadrons What’s to Come?
ith the fate of the Jedi-loving hordes
precious Star Wars franchise having
been taken over by everyone’s favourite
mouse and friends, a number of concerns and
complaints have been voiced rather loudly. Well the
Disney empire strikes back with their first game as
owners, Star Wars: Attack Squadrons and it looks
rather good indeed, giving us all a new hope that
everything is not lost.
There’s no doubt that the fans of Star Wars are
probably the most loyal, die-hard, enthusiastic fans
of all, showcased in the absolute mass of media,
merchandise, and collectibles that exist, not to
mention the huge world of cosplay that can be
found when delving into the galaxy far, far away.
When combining Star Wars with video games, it
can be a bit of a hit or miss, with each one leaving
the community feeling either elated or devastated,
So with this new game announced, and held
within the clutches of a new parent company,
the fans are feeling a bit nervous. After all, this is
their first game, and regardless of games released
after this, Star Wars: Attack Squadrons, will set the
tone for everything else to come. If the game is a
success, we will all have renewed faith in Disney,
and excitement over the upcoming films will be at
an all-time high. If however, it is a disappointment,
Issue 51 • January 2014
6 • GameOn Magazine