5 of the Biggest WTF Moments in Gaming
Killer7 - The Handsome Men
the first AC - but we didn’t know until this point just
how deep the rabbit hole went. What made it all
For a game as twisted and insane as Suda 51’s the more crazy was Ezio not realising that Minerva
Killer7, it’s hard to pick a single moment of WTF was talking to Desmond in the future through him
that rises above the rest of the wackiness. Cue - a manifestation of a memory inside a computer.
the handsome men, a deranged parody of Japan’s
popular Sentai Rangers and the subsequent BioShock - Would You Kindly?
inspiration for a little-known 90s TV show - Mighty
Morphin Power Rangers.
Well, time to close the article. As much as it pains
me to put this entry on the list, there’s just no way
The handsome men take the form of an end-of- that it could be avoided. Had it been absent, the
chapter boss fight… of sorts. Each of the seven avalanche of comments would be unfathomable.
playable assassins goes head-to-head with a single Truth is, the legendary plot twist from the first
ranger, in a style that can only be described as a Bioshock will forever be one the greatest moments
highly Japanafied version of a Mexican standoff. in gaming history.
Try as you might, you can’t decide the outcome of
each battle - each one is scripted - but even so, It’s easy to forget the event and just remember the
watching the hitmen go up against spandex-clad media attention that Atlas’ deception received, but
enemies will always bring a bizarre smile to my when you actually think back to how you felt when
the truth was revealed, it felt like someone had just
smashed you round the face with a bag of bricks.
Assassins Creed II - Minerva
There’s no way anyone could have seen the event
coming, and not since has any developer managed
Assassins Creed III was pants. Not because to surprise players by playing on the conventions
Desmond was such a whiney bitch, but because of storytelling in gaming.
Ezio had been retired and the overarching sci-fi
Joe Pring
plot had grown to ridiculous proportions.
Fighting the pope inside the Vatican as the
Italian badass was enough in itself. But when
you enter the hidden vault beneath the holy
city and discover the futuristic architecture,
you begin to realise some pretty crazy shit is
about to go down.
Cue the appearance of Minerva, an ancient
deity-like woman who reveals herself to be
part of a species that created the human race.
We knew before this point that the AC series
had sci-fi elements - Subject 16’s demented
scrawling of weird symbols on the walls in
Issue 50 • December 2013
13 • GameOn Magazine