The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions The Sims 4 Special Edition | Page 64

our neighbours—most of whom kitchen to bake some cupcakes, hands on), it appears that many of seemed inexplicably interested a hobby that calms him down. the updates in The Sims 4 are of the in kicking over trashcans. As a finale to EA’s wander through And in true Sims fashion, he manages to set the kitchen on “IT’S NICE TO SEE MAXIS LISTEN TO FAN FEEDBACK AND INCORPORATE IT” more subtle variety, tweaking and improving on pre-existing aspects of the games. Many are subtle enough that I’m not sure I would have ever noticed them had they not been pointed out to me. It’s nice, however, to see Maxis listen to fan feedback and incorporate it into The Sims 4, Vaughan’s Sim and his fire and soils himself out of roommate decide to throw a house fear, much to the delight their reboot of the party, and after a brief tour of the of Vaughan’s Sim, who much beloved-series. game’s Build Mode, their soiree is in then promptly full swing, including a star-studded dies of laughter— have to wait and see guest list with the appearance literally—thus how much The Sims of Chuck Norris. But it turns out ending our demo 4 improves on their Vaughan may have forgotten to with a visit from that gaming experience; mention his plans to the house’s most final of NPCs, although looking at third roommate, Kim Jong Un— the Grim Reaper. the series’ history, In the end, fans will who can be glimpsed being eaten Aside from the the odds are good the by the cow plant in the E3 Sims 4 game’s new robust- game will be a success. trailer—who’s known for being a looking Create-A- bit “dictatorial” around the house. Sim and Build Mode Luckily, our guide quickly intervenes (which I personally and digital shelves by sending Kim Jong Un to the can’t wait to get my September 2 for the PC.■ 64 // The Sims 4 Special Edition The Sims 4 will hit both real-world The GameOn Magazine