The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions The Sims 4 Special Edition | Page 27

excited to be learning a new game. I’m looking forward to the fun ideas that may come from new gameplay features. Those should lead to some interesting challenges for The Sims 4, once we’ve got the guide written of course! GO: If you could have one This will be a relevant comment feature added to The Sims in future releases, what would it be? CR: The ability to run different of Pastrami”, “Frank I’m Not”, and Man, and our volunteer staff of kinds of business, right out of “Oh, the Destinations You’ll Briefly moderators have been a massive the gate. Hiring employees if you Visit” instead of Green Eggs and help and made the forum end of get big, and managing it yourself Ham, Sam I Am and Oh, the Places things as great as it is today. when you’re small. Setting prices, You’ll Go. There are a lot of things in GO: You run challenges ordering products, marketing, the game based on real life. There’s throughout The Sims 3 for players and converting visitors to sales. I also the abandoned mine. I