The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Castlevania Edition | Page 41
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
Stringing successful attacks
together, whilst dodging and
blocking enemy attacks, will build
up the ‘focus meter’. Once this is
fully charged, any further attacks
against enemies will cause them
to drop blood orbs which, when
collected, provide a source of
‘Void Magic’.
empty, it cannot be equipped.
However, if a player is skilful
enough and avoids being hit, the
focus meter can be maintained
even while using the Void Sword
and enemies will continue to
drop blood orbs, meaning that,
in theory, the weapon can be
used indefinitely.
These magic resources are tied
to the use of the second weapon,
the Void Sword, which is a short
range, fast attack weapon that,
when used, will drain health
from enemies and gradually fill
up Dracula’s own health meter.
Using this weapon drains Void
Magic and, if the magic meter is
Combining these two weapons
was sufficient to get through the
early stages of battle inside the
castle, but after a while tougher
enemies began to appear
with thick armour and shields.
This required the use of the
Chaos Gloves, the final weapon
available in the demo. Using
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Edition
the Chaos Gloves felt slow and
clumsy compared to the other
two options, but the sheer power
was capable of smashing through
enemy defences, draining huge
amounts of health and stunning
opponents during combat.
All three weapons have their uses,
and their own combos to exploit,
but the strength of the combat
system is best demonstrated
when everything is tied together
at once; with weapon switching,
dodges, blocks, counters and
brutal, blood-drinking finishing
moves all flowing naturally into
each other.
41 • GameOn Magazine