The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Assassin's Creed Edition | Page 47

Assassin’s Creed III Review disappearing pedestrians only slightly less common. Also encountered, although less frequently, were frozen camera controls, people becoming stuck in scenery, broken lip-syncing and, in one particularly amusing moment, the Aquila doing a full 360 degree vertical flip. With the exception of the frozen camera control, which occurred three times, none of the bugs had a significant impact on playability but certainly serve to spoil the mood when they crop up. Of course, you could always pretend it’s a glitch in the Animus. Outside of the impressive single-player gameplay is an entertaining multiplayer experience broken down into free-for-all, team-based and cooperative playing experiences. Free-for-all games are broken down into three subtypes, although each follow a similar formula of attempting to assassinate other players whilst avoiding being killed yourself by Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 using tactics and abilities to blend into the crowd. Clever tactics are rewarded and players earn higher scores for killing their targets inconspicuously or in imaginative ways. Team based game modes are also broken down into three types; in Manhunt teams take turns between being the hunters and the hunted, killing or avoiding as necessary. The Domination and Artifact Assault modes follow the formula of zone control and capture the flag games respectively. Finally, in Wolfpack mode a team of players work together to take down AI targets and earn points without running out of time, earning valuable seconds on the clock by taking out the marked targets. Multiplayer also features a storyline of its own, told through videos and hidden files contained in the ‘Animus gaming machine’ which can be unlocked 47 • GameOn Magazine