The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Assassin's Creed Edition | Page 28

Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed Top Five Time Killers In Assassin’s Creed S ome games start, then have a middle and then they finish. You play the story, you move on. Others, however, allow you to wander the vast open world that has been lovingly tailored by the game developers. Assassin’s Creed is one of these games. It wouldn’t be very nice of us to just scratch the surface of the game’s world by playing through the story and neglecting the rest now, would it? Well, here’s our top five time killers you can partake in within Assassin’s Creed games. 5. Parkour First ‘created’ by the French, parkour has become an increasingly popular training exercise and sport. The gist of it is that you attempt to get over obstacles as quickly and efficiently as possible (read: run away). At one point, just after parkour hit it big, a game was in development for the exercise. This game was swiftly cancelled once Assassin’s Creed hit the shelves. Since its debut in 2007, players have been treated to a fantastically smooth and intensely satisfying display of parkour in action as they maneuver their assassin protagonist around the worlds Assassin’s Creed Special Edition 2013 28 • GameOn Magazine