The Funhouse Issue #001 | Page 4

WITHDRAWAL continued... Brett: Is there any theme to the LP as seemed to have been the case in your previous releases? (Faith, Flesh and Blood seeming to have one of the most prevalent) Adam: As for a theme tying the entire LP together, I think it’s honestly too early for me to really say. “Pain and misery in various tempos” would be a good start. Brett: I know you’re a fan of a lot of softer music like Depeche Mode, Death In June and so on; do you take any inspiration with these bands for anything Withdrawal related? Adam: Depeche Mode certainly has influenced me over the years, if not from Martin Gore’s vulnerable, perverse and religion tinged lyrics, then certainly my quest to become a fat, pale Dave Gahan gyrating on stage. In all honesty though, they’re my favorite group and I defin ][H\?[??H?? 8?&\??? \[??P?H[??? ??\?X[KH?HH?????H?[X\?\?[?X][??[?x?&\??\?][???]?\??\?[XY?\?H\?X^X?HH?]??]X???^H\?\??]?\?Z[?H[?\?\?[????[?\?Z[?HZ?\?H??[??Y[??H???H?[HY??H[??[?YH?[?\?Z^Y?]???X[??H[??Y?[?H\?[????[???]\???K[?x?&\?H??[????]H?[?\?X?]\?X?[???\?H[?x?&\?H??[????H[??\???H?? YX\??][??[????][?]?^\???]8?&\??]?\??X[H?Y[?\?]?[?HX\?H[?H\?H?[??\??\???[[Y\??Y????[X\?[H??]????H\?[?[???X??H??]Z[???\?YY[]?H??X???][ ?H[???x?&[H?[X?[???x?&\?H?\?\???H?Y????H[]\?X???]?\?H[?H?[Y??[X]Y?]?H\????H???\?[YHH[?YX??]]?][?K[[?H?ZY?\??]?[?YX?\?X??]H???\???]?[??Z[??[Y?X?H????[?[??H???\???\?? ?\?\?H[?H[?H[???X][?[?H?[?[X??]]?[??H]\?[?[?\?\?[???X??]]X?????\??H[?^\?\?H?\???[?[??] ?HY[N??x?&\?HX???][H L HH?H\???\??[? ?H??X?]?H\?H?][?H??XY?][??[??H?\?H?\??[?]X]Y?]\?H\??\?Z[?HH]]X[[?\??[?[????H[??\??&\????]?[?Y?]8?&\????X?\??\?[H[???YY ?]8?&\?????Y][??]Y??X???\??[???][???[?][???H?]?\?X?]?[H?]?]??HH?H\????[? ?]?H?]H?\?\?\?H\??&]]X???^H?\?[?] \?H[?^\???\??]H?Z[??X?X?H[?H?\??\??H?H?[?\?\?X???]??