The Funding Tree Issue 75: Happy Holidays | Page 2

2 | The Funding Tree

Tis the Season to be Jolly!

ere at Funding and Partnership Services we are jolly

because we have lots of exciting grant opportunities in

the works! Today the focus will be on the Quality Rating Improvement Systems (QRIS) Grant through the Instructional Services Division. This grant is funded through the California Department of Education to incentivize state preschool programs to voluntarily participate in the Orange County

QRIS. The funding provides: block grants to state preschool programs with a Tier 4 or higher QRIS rating; allocates at

least 20% of funding to conduct state rating assessments

and training; provides coaching, training, and curriculum/instructional resources materials; and offers enhancement stipends to support preschools as they work toward increasing their QRIS rating.

OCDE has been awarded QRIS funding for the past three years and has successfully helped multiple Orange County preschools raise their QRIS ratings and benefit children, parents, and society at large. Funding and Partnership Services will keep you informed on the upcoming funding. The next QRIS grant is due on January 8, 2018.

To learn more information, please contact the Early Learning and Expanded Learning Unit at 714.708.3860.


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To Community and Student Support Services' Friday Night Live (FNL) Program,

The FNL team was recently awarded the Office of Traffic Safety grant from the California Friday Night Live Partnership to provide traffic safety and underage drinking prevention services to two of their FNL chapter sites. The services are implemented through student-led campaigns and will include a parent involvement component and a partnership with the local California Highway Patrol. These campaigns will provide students the opportunity to build skills in the areas of leadership, communication, collaboration, project planning, project implementation, and evaluation.

To Instructional Services' Learning Support Unit, Orange County Department of Education, in partnership with the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) were awarded the Deeper Learning + Diffusion of Innovation and Scaled Impact grant through the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Funds allow OCDE to participate on a project advisory team with a focus on disseminating and scaling an existing project in Anaheim Union High School District.