The Full Plate Diet PDF eBook Free Download Slim Down - Look Great - Be Healthy eBook PDF | Page 42

9. Create safe havens at home and work. [Don’t surround yourself with temptations. Instead of that bag of candy you keep in your desk, stash an apple or some almonds.] 10. Make good choices at the supermarket. [ Then it’s easy to make good choices at mealtime.] The people you love most are going to watch you become thinner, healthier and happier. Your success is going to encourage them. You’re not doing this for yourself alone. The people you love will follow in your footsteps if only you’ll lead the way. Remember These 3 Things: 1. Eat more fiber 2. Drink more water 3. Stop eating when you no longer feel hungry Do these things and your weight will melt away. Never eat more than you can lift —Miss Piggy How different would your life be if you were at your ideal weight? 39