The Fox Focus Spring/Summer 2018 | Page 15

Living with Parkinson ’ s


Rachel Dolhun , MD , translates recent Parkinson ’ s research , medicine and related topics in blog posts and videos .
michaeljfox . org / ask-the-md
WALKING AND BALANCE PROBLEMS Especially as disease progresses , people with Parkinson ’ s may experience shuffling steps , freezing in place or falls . At MJFF , we ’ re building a roadmap to determine the underlying causes and help develop better therapies .
MAKING THE MOST OF A DOCTOR ’ S VISIT People with Parkinson ’ s may only see their physician for brief appointments a few times a year . But there are steps that can help maximize this time and improve communication with your doctor .
WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT CONSTIPATION ? Constipation is a common , nonmotor symptom that can cause discomfort and affect medication ’ s benefits . Diet adjustments and exercise may offer substantial help .
IS THIS SCIENCE STORY # FAKENEWS ? Misinformation is everywhere . A few practical tips can make you a savvy science news consumer and help you find — and share — accurate research updates .
Spring / Summer 2018